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Using a Pomodoro Timer

Didn't have much time today to dive into the curriculum, so I decided to write on something I learned while taking the free 100devs bootcamp online. There I was introduced to the Pomodoro Timer. A very useful tool to keep your mind fresh while learning or studying for anything in life.

It is simple, you set a timer for 25 min and once the timer goes off you take a 5 minute break. Don't look at your screen anymore or even your cell phone. Walk around, talk to someone anything to give your mind a break.

Doing so, allows the brain to soak in all the information you just learned/reviewed. Studies have been conducted that people who utilize a Pomodoro timer retain information better than people who do not take breaks.

As an added bonus, utilizing a Pomodoro timer gives your eyes a much needed break especially if you are learning on a computer. Eye strain is a real thing and can inhibit your learning if you try to just 'get through' the material as fast as possible.

So, say goodbye to long uninterrupted study sessions and give Pomodoro a try. I guarantee you will see better results in a short amount of time.

Here is a free Pomodoro timer that I use...

Pomodoro Timer

Good luck and happy learning!

Top comments (1)

samuellubliner profile image
Samuel Lubliner

Thanks for the tip. I'll give Pomodoro a try!