Hi guys!
Ok so in many of my tutorials related to react JS, I have not mentioned how to get started with React JS or how to create a react app.
If you want to learn how to create an application in react js and follow along with my tutorials you can watch the below video in which I tell step-by-step how to create a react app and the commands needed.
Commands Used in terminal
These are the commands I used in the VS code terminal in the video.
- Create a new app (replace appname with any name but make sure it is letters only and does not begin with uppercase) ```
npx create-react-app appname
* Change directory
cd directoryname
* Open your app or run it in the browser.
npm start
I hope you all found the video useful.
Check out my other [tutorials](https://turbofuture.com/computers/React-and-Firebase-A-complete-tutorial-Part-1) on [hubpages](https://hubpages.com/@salehmubashar).
Also follow me on [twitter](https://twitter.com/SyntaxE85827144).
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Until next time,
Cheers :)
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