Hola Developers !
VS code is the free alternative to *phpstorm * and there is more than one extension that facilitates the code process and is characterized by being light, fast and flexible
Laravel blade snippets and syntax highlight support for Visual Studio Code.

Laravel snippets extension for Visual Studio Code (Support Laravel 5 and above version).

Click into to the name of the view in the controller

This extension provides Laravel routes, views and ... autocomplete for VSCode.

Improve your workflow with Laravel Model Snippets. Start with Model:: then the shortcut of what you are looking for within your model.
For example, Model::d will return the muted dates attribute:
PHP code intelligence for Visual Studio Code.
Intelephense is a high performance PHP language server packed full of essential features for productive PHP development.
PHP Namespace Resolver can import and expand your class. You can also sort your imported classes by line length or in alphabetical order.

PHP Constructor can initialize constructor properties like insert_php_constructor_property command of SublimePHPCompanion.

Tools To front end what interact with php laravel :
Vue tooling for VS Code.
Intelligent Tailwind CSS tooling for VS Code
Extension to make our code more beautiful and easier :
Provide rainbow colors for the round brackets, the square brackets and the squiggly brackets. This is particularly useful for Lisp or Clojure programmers, and of course, JavaScript, and other programmers.
Automatically add HTML/XML close tag, same as Visual Studio IDE or Sublime Text does.

Nice Themes !
A beautiful dark theme with four variants for Visual Studio Code. Two of these variants are focused on long-term work without
causing any discomfort to the eyes.
In the end, I gave all the additions I know and considered useful. If there is more, you can add them in the comments. Thank you
Top comments (2)
Awesome extensions for PHP and Laravel - I've just installed a few of those ready to build a side project for fun!
laraphense extenstion is a good alternative of these extensions, which have feature combined of these extenstion plus some other, give it a try.