My name is Sam Jarman, and I imagine like a lot of men of tech, I'm also on a journey to correct my own biases (subconscious or not) and do my bit to get us towards a gender-equal world.
For IWD I want to highlight one of the projects I did in the past - Dev Chats. I'm proud that my written interview series is about 50/50 women and features people of colour and people from the LBGQTIA+ community.
Below I want to highlight some of my favourites for you to read. Starting off with Hannah, who was so kind to write me pretty much a college essay per question, through to Kristina who has had an impressive journey into the security field.

Dev Chats: Hannah Gray
Sam Jarman 👨🏼💻 ・ Feb 8 '18

Mary Thengvall on the Value of Developer Relations
Sam Jarman 👨🏼💻 ・ Mar 13 '19

Mentoring Women Learning to Code with Pauline Narvas
Sam Jarman 👨🏼💻 ・ Nov 24 '19

Kristina Balaam on Breaking in to Security
Sam Jarman 👨🏼💻 ・ Apr 18 '18
Heads up: These posts are a bit old now so their job titles might not be accurate any more.
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