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Samu Tiainen
Samu Tiainen

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๐Ÿš€ Navigating the Waves of 2023: A Professional Retrospective

As a software developer, 2023 has been a whirlwind of innovation and growth. The ever-evolving landscape of new technologies, frameworks, and the continuous evolution of AI has made this year exceptionally dynamic. ๐ŸŒ๐Ÿ’ป

In the midst of this bustling tech environment, I've found 2023 to be an incredibly fruitful year for professional growth. The challenges and opportunities presented by the rapid pace of change have fueled my passion for development and learning. ๐Ÿš€

I believe that sharing experiences is a powerful way to learn and grow together. So, I've decided to take a moment to recap my thoughts and experiences at a professional level, and I want to share them with you. From navigating new technologies to exploring innovative frameworks, every twist and turn has contributed to a year of substantial growth.

๐Ÿ† Some Key Achievements: Unveiling Milestones in my Professional Journey ๐Ÿš€

๐Ÿ–ฅ๏ธ Clean and SOLID Code: Writing code is one thing, but understanding the art of crafting clean and SOLID code has been a game-changer. It takes time to delve into the intricacies, considering the entire code base, but the payoff is remarkable. Regardless of the language, the value of this approach resonates across projects.

๐Ÿ—๏ธ Code Architecture Mastery: Investing time in studying code architecture has been pivotal. It provides a guiding light, shaping the 'what' and 'where' of code. Though it demands familiarity, the investment in adopting a structured approach pays dividends in code quality and maintainability.

๐Ÿคนโ€โ™‚๏ธ Agile Master Challenges: Wearing the hat of an Agile Master amid team dynamics and product intricacies posed challenges. Personnel changes and the complexity of a product that seemingly eludes the value of refactoring kept things interesting. However, being an Agile Master isn't just about overcoming challenges; it's about refining processes and making the progres more visible.

๐Ÿ”„ Refining Team Processes: Reworking the team's refinement process proved transformative. By introducing clear goals, streamlined processes, and metrics, the team's work became more visible and understandable. The impact on lead time and pull requests was substantial โ€” smaller, faster reviews, and a decrease in lead time. And the use of velocity has been really helping the team and the product owner to plan and forecast the future.

โš™๏ธ Optimizing Workflows: Unexpectedly, the team's efficiency reached a point where the volume of completed tasks outpaced our ability to review and test efficiently. It's a positive problem, but one that underscores the need for continuous optimization.

๐Ÿ”ง Challenges Faced: Navigating Obstacles and Forging Resilience

This year there was a big decision to make of reshaping our codebase for scalability and maintainability. Convincing stakeholders of its long-term value was no small feat. As we embarked on this journey, challenges emerged, but with teamwork and a shared goal, we crafted a resilient plan.

To no ones surprise, the project's scope surpassed expectations, bringing a delicate balancing act between the product's future and immediate company needs. Stress and pressure ensued, prompting a renewed focus on our ways of working and metrics.

Navigating these challenges, we learned the art of constant adaptation. Reshaping our codebase to modern standards required learning, experimentation, and an agile mindset. The unexpected growth prompted us to refine our methodologies, ensuring transparency and expediting feature delivery to our customers.

๐Ÿ“š Key Learnings:

  • Constant Adaptation: Reshaping our codebase demanded continuous learning and experimentation, reinforcing the importance of adaptability.
  • Refined Methodologies: The unexpected growth prompted us to refine our methodologies, ensuring transparency and expediting feature delivery to our customers.

๐Ÿ’ก My Skill Development Journey: Crafting Expertise in the World of Software Development ๐Ÿ› ๏ธ

As someone who thrives on change and embraces new challenges, 2023 has been a year of continuous progress and skill development. While my optimistic outlook propels me to explore new frameworks and technologies, I've learned to balance this enthusiasm with considerations for customers, company needs, and experience.

1. NextJs: My go-to for embracing modern web development. I firmly believe in the future of web development lying in server-side rendering and integrated frontend-backend solutions. NextJs has been a pivotal tool in my journey to master these approaches.

2. React, TypeScript, and CSS: Investing significant learning hours into these foundational languages has been crucial. Understanding the intricacies of React, TypeScript, and CSS not only accelerates the development process but also empowers me to wield these tools with precision and efficiency.

3. Microservices: The concept of microservices fuels my enthusiasm. Slicing features into independent sections with the aid of modern technologies such as module federation, event streaming, and cloud infrastructure creates a robust foundation for scalable and performant applications.

4. AI: GitHub's Copilot has been a game-changer, altering the way I write and test code. It prompts thoughtful consideration before execution, offering insightful suggestions that either work seamlessly or impart new knowledge. As I delve into the realm of AI, these tools, if as impactful as Copilot, have the potential to revolutionize our work methodologies. Special mention to ChatGPT, a reliable companion for ideation, project setup, and converting thoughts into social media-friendly formats. ๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿค–

๐Ÿค The Power of Collaborations and Networking: Building Bridges for Professional Growth

In the dynamic realm of software development, connecting with colleagues both within and beyond your team is a treasure trove of value. Understanding the happenings around the company and the endeavors of your coworkers is not just important; it's an investment in the collective knowledge and growth of both yourself and the entire organization.

Over the past year, I've come to appreciate the profound impact of collaborations and networking while navigating tough situations. Sharing knowledge and experiences has proven to be a catalyst for personal and organizational growth. Knowing someone who can offer assistance during challenging times is invaluable.

Yet, I've also learned valuable lessons in this arena. As someone who enjoys sharing experiences and diving into discussions about new technologies and methodologies, I've discovered the importance of building trust. Enthusiasm is fantastic, but building a foundation of trust is essential for effective communication. Understanding that to convey ideas successfully, trust needs to precede the message, has been a key insight.

Sharing experiences, discussing new ideas, and introducing innovations require a delicate balance. Gathering enough facts and articulating why a particular idea is valuable fosters a conducive environment for open discussions. It turns out that developers, much like everyone else, are humans with emotions and social norms. ๐Ÿ˜„

โ›ต Setting Sail for the Future: Charting a Course in Software Development

As I reflect on the past year, one thing has become abundantly clear โ€“ to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of software development, a clear goal is imperative. Contemplating future roles has been a part of this journey, from envisioning manager positions to pondering the responsibilities of a product owner, agile coach, or even the allure of being a software guru.

Architectural Ambitions: Exploring architecture and experimenting with new technologies has ignited a passion within me. The role of an architect, deciphering the big picture and aiding others in optimizing their products, resonates deeply. It seems like a natural fit for my interests and expertise, although I acknowledge the sizable shoes to fill.

Near Future Goal โ€“ Senior Developer: As a stepping stone towards my architectural ambitions, my next goal is transitioning from a mid-level to a senior-level developer. Aligning with the requirements set by my company for seniority mirrors the areas I'm already focusing on. Acting as a mentor or coach to my colleagues, becoming an expert in my product's codebase and technologies, these challenges drive me forward.

Documenting the Journey: With these thoughts, experiences, and learnings in mind, I've embarked on a journey to be more organized and visible. I've started building my second brain with Notion, a hub to manage the abundance of information around me. To enhance visibility, I've decided to share my insights through a blog, serving as a middleware for my thoughts and the rest of the world.

๐ŸŒŸ Closing Reflections: Navigating Change and Growth in Software Development ๐Ÿš€

In the vast sea of software development, the decisions to refactor, experiment, or embrace new technologies are investments that demand thoughtful consideration. The initial impact may be elusive, but the profound influence on the long-term horizon is immeasurable.

The cornerstone of any development team lies in meticulous groundwork โ€“ establishing solid processes, effective ways of working, and comprehensive metrics. This foundation is not a one-time effort but a continuous, iterative journey that propels a team towards performance and efficiency.

As the tech landscape evolves, the role of an experienced developer becomes paramount. Knowing when and how to integrate new technologies requires a blend of knowledge and trust, determining where innovation adds value.

Effective information sharing is a linchpin for impactful change. Openness to others and, more crucially, openness to the broader world unveils the big picture, fostering adaptability and facilitating meaningful transformation. Amidst the myriad technologies and methodologies, our shared goal remains constant โ€“ to make things better than before. With this shared purpose, there are no barriers too great to surmount, and positive change becomes not just a goal but an inevitable outcome.

๐Ÿš€๐Ÿ’ก #SoftwareDevelopment #ContinuousImprovement #SharedGoals

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