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Samuel Olatubi
Samuel Olatubi

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Benefits of the Beehiiv Newsletter Platform for Content Creators

I would like to inform you that have moved all my articles and newsletter from to Beehiiv. Why? Because the Beehiiv platform offers much more functionality, even in its free version. In my case, Beehiiv complements perfectly the free version of the marketing platform LeadsLeap and the modest newsletter on
Luckily, I found Faith on Fiverr, and let me tell you, she did an amazing job! She transferred all my articles and newsletters smoothly, optimized them for SEO (which is a big plus!), and even used some really cool templates that look fantastic.

Seriously, I can't recommend her enough. If you're looking for some help with your content or want to explore monetization options on Beehiiv, Faith is your person! Contact Faith here

Beehiiv: A Powerful Newsletter Platform

IMHO, Beehiiv is one of the best newsletter platforms and provides a lot of essential features tailored for content creators. Let’s explore a few of them:

Monetization without membership fees
Beehiiv allows you to charge for newsletter subscriptions without taking a percentage of your revenue.

Good SEO optimization
Beehiiv offers an SEO-optimized website, ensuring better visibility for your content.

Without installation
No need to install any additional tools; Beehiiv simplifies the setup process.

Works as a blog + newsletter
You can publish content both as blog posts and email messages, maximizing your reach and engagement.

Many Integrations
Beehiiv provides API access and integrates with hundreds of popular web tools, expanding your capabilities.

Advanced email customization
With Beehiiv’s flexible email editor, you can create unique and visually appealing email messages.

Email analytics
Gain comprehensive insights into the performance of your campaigns with Beehiiv’s email analytics. It provides a detailed breakdown of each open, pageview, and click, offering a thorough analysis of both web and email interactions.

Multiple newsletters per account
Manage multiple newsletters from one Beehiiv account, streamlining your content creation and distribution.

Leveraging LeadsLeap for Enhanced Marketing

What is LeadsLeap? It’s a comprehensive marketing platform that provides all the tools available in e-marketing for free. There is also a PRO version available, which includes more advanced features. However, I want to show that if something is missing in the free version, it can be replaced with an external tool.

The free LeadsLeap version includes:
Mailing list
Landing and splash page builder
Traffic tracking and monitoring
Free advertisements
Codes that allow others to import and clone your site
And much more
Many of my subscribers using the free version complain about the lack of an automatic mailing list. That’s why I decided to combine Beehiiv with the free version of LeadsLeap to address this issue effectively.

Collaboration and Engagement

I encourage you to test the combination of Beehiiv and LeadsLeap. Sign up for my new newsletter, and you won’t miss out on a wealth of new and practical tips and tricks useful in social media and beyond.

It is important that my new newsletter grows rapidly and brings maximum benefits to its readers. Therefore,

I ask for your support and encourage you to collaborate.

How can you help me? Propose an interesting topic/question in the comments, and I will conduct research and publish it in the newsletter. You can also submit a short description of one of your excellent articles through my newsletter and include a link to the full article on your blog.

Faith CRM
, would you like to help me grow my new newsletter on Beehiiv? I think that you can also use to grow your audience. What do you think about it?

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