DEV Community

Sandra Vu
Sandra Vu

Posted on

They said discipline beat motivation, they are wrong

I see this advice so often on the internet, it is time to say something.
It is true that sometimes we have just to sit down and do the work.
But it is equally important knowing how to get your motivation back and constant when you do something hard.

Have you ever tried building something difficult? Yet you could not bring your mind to it no matter how harshly you want to double down and just be disciplined about it?

I have been here so many times before, the science of motivation and action is more complicated than pure discipline.

You need to visualize your end game, hence gaining back your motivation even how tiny the initial spark is, and act on it.

Something that helps me tremendously to get back on my track.

Sit down and write all of my goals on a piece of paper or on my Bear note.

This act brings the goals closer and more vivid in my mind.

Then I could come back to the hard task at hand.

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