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My name is Sankalp, and welcome to my humble web-abode!
I am a 21 years old student(?) and more importantly a "Hacker
". Not the type you’re probably thinking of!

While watching Star Trek, I heard Spock say-
“Insufficient facts always invite Danger!”

Thus, I have a simple goal; albeit a strenuous goal: to educate myself and then help others unlearn the misconceptions and misinformation that misguide people, and act as a cobweb all over the internet.

I am not an expert in any domain but want to share my thoughts from the perspective of a curious learner who is out there seeking the true essence of knowledge. You’ll find me writing about a variety of subjects- CyberSecurity, Psychology, Finance, Philosophy, and anything that intrigues me.
I hope you find something interesting and meaningful here. Happy reading!
This article is also published on my personal blog

P.S.- If you have some ideas to discuss or any kind of constructive criticism to share, please feel free to reach out to me

Top comments (2)

sidcraftscode profile image
sid • Edited

Nice post. You should add a canonical url in so that you don’t impact SEO on your personal website

How to do this?

canonical_url: https://yourwebsite
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Add the before to the top of your post

sankalp profile image

Thank you!