Formula Student is a global engineering competition that challenges university students to design, build, and race a formula-style race car. One of the most important aspects of a Formula Student car is its hardware architecture. The hardware architecture is responsible for collecting data from sensors, storing data, and controlling actuators.
Hardware Architecture
The hardware architecture of the Formula Student car described in this article is composed of several different PCBs (printed circuit boards). These PCBs are responsible for the following tasks:
• Data acquisition: The auxiliary modules (RM and FM) are responsible for collecting data from sensors. They have the following capabilities:
o 4 analog sensors
o 1 current sensor
o 4 thermocouple sensors
o CAN communication
o USART, SPI, and I2C communication buses
• Data storage: The acquisition and driver aids module (ADQM) is responsible for storing data from the auxiliary modules. It has the following capabilities:
o CAN communication
o Fail-safe circuit
o Integrated IMU sensor
o Power supply for the auxiliary modules
o Wheel speed digital acquisition
o USB module
o Power control module
o Driver aids system
• Actuator control: The actuator modules (AM) are responsible for controlling actuators such as servos and electromagnetic pistons. They have the following capabilities:
o CAN communication
o Dedicated power converter for the actuators
• EBS (Emergency Brake System): This system is designed to automatically apply the brakes if the car detects a critical failure. This could include a loss of power, a failure of the steering system, or a fire.
• BSPD (Brake System Plausibility Device): This system is designed to ensure that the brake system is functioning properly. It does this by monitoring the signals from the brake sensors and actuators. If the system detects a discrepancy, it will trigger the EBS
• CCM (Can Converter Module): The new development for this season is the can converter module (CCM). This module is responsible for translating the UART system of the electric motors to the CAN bus system of the car. This is important because it allows the car to communicate with the electric motors and control them.
We would like to thank JLCPCB for their support in the development of this car. JLCPCB is a leading PCB manufacturer that provides high-quality PCBs at competitive prices. We are grateful for their help in making this car a reality.
The hardware architecture of the Formula Student car described in this article is a complex and sophisticated system. It is responsible for collecting data from sensors, storing data, and controlling actuators. This architecture is essential for the safe and successful operation of the car.
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