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Cover image for Todo Tomorrow for VS Code ✅
Artem Sapegin
Artem Sapegin

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Todo Tomorrow for VS Code ✅

I've tried many similar extensions to highlight TODO and FIXME comments, but all were either doing too much or too little, and hard to configure. That's why I created my own.

Todo Tomorrow

Here are the main features of the extension:

  • Very minimal and fast
  • Useful defaults to cover most use cases
  • Supports Bash, CSS, Elixir, Erlang, HTML, JavaScript, Lua, Markdown, Perl, PHP, Python, R, Ruby, SQL, TypeScript, and any other language with C-style comments (// or /* */)
  • Doesn't add distracting highlights to the scrollbar
  • Supports light and dark modes out of the box, and doesn’t come with insanely bright colors by default

Try it now in VS Code!

You can also look at the source code on GitHub.

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