DEV Community

Saqib Javaid
Saqib Javaid

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Seeking Advice on Designing a WordPress Site for Surah Yaseen and Using PHP Scripts

I hope you're all doing well. I'm currently working on designing a website for Surah Yaseen using WordPress. I wanted to get some insights and advice from this knowledgeable community regarding the design aspects.

Specifically, I'm considering whether to incorporate PHP scripts into the site. Could you please share your thoughts on the following:

Design Recommendations: What are some best practices for designing a religious content-focused website like Surah Yaseen in WordPress?

PHP Scripts: Should I use custom PHP scripts for enhanced functionality? If so, what are some common use cases or benefits of doing so?

Plugin Suggestions: Are there any WordPress plugins that you recommend for a site like this, especially for optimizing performance, security, and user experience?

Your insights and suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your help!

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