DEV Community

Sardar Mudassar Ali Khan
Sardar Mudassar Ali Khan

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How to solve white space in Azure DevOps pull requests

To solve whitespace issues in Azure DevOps pull requests, you can follow these steps:

  • Identify the whitespace-related problem: Review the pull request and determine whether the issue is related to leading/trailing whitespace, inconsistent indentation, or any other specific whitespace problem.

  • Discuss with the team: Engage in a conversation with the team members involved in the pull request. Ensure that everyone understands the whitespace standards and conventions that should be followed.

  • Use a code editor with whitespace support: Utilize a code editor that provides whitespace support, such as Visual Studio Code. These editors can highlight and visualize whitespace characters, making it easier to identify and fix issues.

  • Configure editor settings: Ensure that your code editor is properly configured to handle whitespace-related issues. Set the editor to automatically trim trailing whitespace, enforce consistent indentation, and display whitespace characters.

  • Address leading/trailing whitespace: Remove any unnecessary leading or trailing whitespace in your code files. This can be done manually by deleting the extra spaces or by using editor functionalities to automate the process.

  • Standardize indentation: Ensure that the code indentation follows a consistent style throughout the files. Adjust the indentation of code blocks, lines, or elements to match the established standards.

  • Apply automated formatting: Utilize code formatting tools or linters to automatically fix whitespace-related issues. These tools can enforce consistent whitespace, indentation, and code style across the project.

  • Rebase or merge with whitespace fixes: If whitespace changes are required, make the necessary adjustments in a separate branch or commit. Once the whitespace issues are resolved, rebase or merge the changes into the target branch.

  • Validate changes: Perform a thorough code review and testing to verify that the whitespace fixes did not introduce any unintended side effects or bugs.

  • Communicate with the team: Notify the team members involved in the pull request about the whitespace fixes that were applied and provide any necessary explanations or instructions.

  • If you are using Visual studio 2019 and you other team member is using Visual studio 2022 then due to the different Editors you will face this issue due to different editors.

  • To solve this issue you can use Notpad++ for file changes and then after all the files changes make the new commit and push the latest changes on Azure Git

By following these steps, you should be able to address whitespace-related issues in Azure DevOps pull requests effectively.

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