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Avoiding unintended undefined values while using TypeScript Record

If you are already familiar with TypeScript, you must know that it provides different ways to type objects. You can use a type or an interface to strongly type your objects:

type MyObject = {
  foo: string;
  bar: boolean;

interface MyObject {
  foo: string;
  bar: boolean;

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Sometimes we also use objects as key-value stores where we don't know their properties beforehand. In such cases Record utility type provided by TypeScript comes in handy:

type Record<K extends keyof any, T> = {
    [P in K]: T;

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There's a catch though. If you use string as its key, TypeScript will assume that your object holds a value for every possible string. Consider the following example for clarity:

type Colors = Record<string, string>;

const colors: Colors = {
  red: "#FF0000",
  green: "#00FF00",
  blue: "#0000FF"

console.log(; // "#FF0000"
console.log(colors.yellow); // undefined

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TypeScript treats value as string and does not detect undefined values

As you can see, TypeScript gives no error for colors.yellow and expects that it is a string. However it is not. We don't have a value for yellow in our object. This is especially dangerous if you try to reach to a property of value. In such case we may have Uncaught TypeError exception and our application may crush.

console.log(; // "#ff0000"
console.log(colors.yellow.toLowerCase()); // Uncaught TypeError: can't access property "toLowerCase" of undefined

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Solution: Use Partial

To avoid such cases, we can combine Record with another utility type, Partial:

type Colors = Partial<Record<string, string>>;

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TypeScript can now warn us about undefined values

Now we can use our Colors type safely and let TypScript to warn us about possible type errors.

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