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Cover image for Hanging Man Game
Sarthak Mittal
Sarthak Mittal

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Hanging Man Game


Inspired by a cool design I found on Dribbble, I decided to create a web version of the classic "Hanging Man" game. My goal was to not only practice my frontend development skills but also to bring a bit of fun and interactivity to my portfolio.


Hanging man game home screen sort

You can try the live demo of the game here.
Live Demo


Creating this game was a great learning experience. Here's how I did it:

Choosing the Tech Stack

I chose React for its component-based architecture, which made it easier to manage the different parts of the game. Vite was used as the build tool for its speed and simplicity, and HTML and CSS were used for the structure and styling of the game.

Building the UI

I started by replicating the design from Dribbble. This involved creating a visually appealing layout with cacti, a cowboy, and the hanging tree. CSS was crucial for achieving the right look and feel.

Implementing the Game Logic

The core functionality of the game revolves around guessing letters. Here’s how I implemented it:

  • useState(): This hook was used to manage the game state, including the word to guess, the letters guessed, and the number of wrong attempts.
  • useEffect(): This hook was used to handle side effects, such as checking if the game is won or lost after each guess.

Creating the Questions Database

To make the game more interesting, I used ChatGPT to generate a variety of questions and words. This added a unique touch to the game and ensured a diverse set of challenges for the players.

Challenges and Learning

One of the main challenges was managing the game state efficiently and ensuring the UI updates correctly based on user interactions. Through this process, I gained a deeper understanding of React hooks and state management.

Future Plans

In the future, I plan to:

  • Add more questions and words to the database.
  • Implement difficulty levels.
  • Enhance the UI with animations and sound effects.


Working on this project was incredibly rewarding. It not only sharpened my technical skills but also allowed me to create something enjoyable. I hope this blog inspires you to take on similar projects and explore the fun side of web development.

Thank you for reading! Feel free to try the game and let me know your thoughts.

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