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Have you ever code when you were high? πŸ₯ƒπŸ€ͺ

Sarthak Sharma on November 07, 2020

As all Americans must be partying right now and the festive season is coming soon, I hope you all are able to able to handle your alcohol and weed.

So what have you ever tried coding when you were high. If yes, how has your experience and I hope it wasn't production where you pushed. πŸ˜…

ben profile image
Ben Halpern β€’

I've experienced the Ballmer peak on a few occasions

ballmer peak

sarthology profile image
Sarthak Sharma β€’

Woah! I need to try this Someday.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern β€’

I think the concept is more of a joke, so I wouldn't encourage anyone to try, but of course coding is the kind of thing that can very much be altered by one's psychological state.

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seanmclem profile image
Seanmclem β€’

It's that special kind of drunk

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sarthology profile image
Sarthak Sharma β€’


codingmindfully profile image
Daragh Byrne β€’

I'm pretty sure it applies to playing pool too.

_garybell profile image
Gary Bell β€’

This is exactly how I got through some of my modules at University. Though the BAC must have been much higher than that

dallasapper profile image
dallasapper β€’ β€’ Edited

The most important thing is not to overdo it with alcohol consumption. It is good for lifting the mood in small doses. Besides, it is hard to imagine any event without him nowadays. However, I am skeptical about marijuana. However, the world is coming to terms with its consumption. This drug is being legalized in many countries. Unfortunately, I have individual intolerance to the substance. Therefore, I most often use Btw, periodic or regular exposure to cannabinoids may not cause visible physical disorders. But the harm of marijuana is often manifested by the development of severe forms of mental disorders.

richardsprins profile image
Richard S Prins Jr. β€’

Literally every day, I use cannabis medicinally to help with GI issues, helping my ADHD, as well as helping boost my appetite. I see no difference in my code with or without cannabis, other than having a harder time focusing when totally sober.

benenewton profile image
Ben Newton β€’

Not high, but OD’d on cough syrup back in the day when I was sick and ended up deleting an incredibly important field in a prod database.

drgaud profile image
DrGaud β€’

how does one get high on cough syrup....

benenewton profile image
Ben Newton β€’

Too much Robitussin will get you a similar feeling as being drunk. It was not purposely done in my case. I was simply very, very sick, and stuck at work and the cough syrup was the only thing keeping me going, so I drank almost a bottle in a day.

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drgaud profile image
DrGaud β€’

wow dude, It sounds like next time you might be better off taking the more direct approach and just coughing in your managers face, if he doesnt send you home, there is something wrong like, worringly wrong with him.

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benenewton profile image
Ben Newton β€’

Lol. No manager. I was working for myself at the time, hence the insane stubbornness.

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drgaud profile image
DrGaud β€’

I sucks having you as your own boss, i know the pain of having to phone yourself asking for a day off sick...or even a holiday

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miclgael profile image
Michael Gale β€’

Side note: sometimes, managers can be women :)

seanmclem profile image
Seanmclem β€’ β€’ Edited

It can go either way for me. Sometimes I have a lot of ideas really fast and end up taking a lot of notes on Trello boards when I should be writing code. And when I'm in the code I find myself kind of losing my place a lot and having to backtrack to remember what I was trying to do. But then other times, it's that thing that I need to help me focus, slow down, and get things done.

edmongarcia6 profile image
Edmon Garcia β€’

We're on the same boat man I taking lots of notes and pseudocode for my project using notion. whenever I started typing my solutions I kinda feel lost too :/

schmitzel76 profile image
Patrick Schmitz β€’

Sometimes when I look at code I wrote earlier, being high would have been a good explanation of how that code came to be.

nobsob profile image
NobSob β€’ β€’ Edited

I've worked stoned a lot of times. This is an exciting experience. After the joint, I think much more exciting and creative. I like that my imagination goes beyond the limits, and I can create something incredible. In addition, all the anxiety, nervousness, and bad mood go away, and I feel great.
I feel incredibly relaxed when I smoke marijuana of excellent quality. My head doesn't hurt at all. I even feel much better. I've even experimented with CBD products a couple of times. These products are also very cool, besides very tasty. Great variety.

ericgeek profile image
EricGeek β€’

Not high, but drunk. This was before git, before svn, and the code was hand optimized assembly language. I'm very glad I had a backup, because in the morning, I was looking at it going "What was I thinking?"

amacc profile image
Amacc β€’

All the time, I actually find that after a good smoke sesh I am a lot more creative when approaching problems. And with programming being the work that it is there really isn't any wrong answer (and when you get down to it its all just text) and when you can kind of see the meta side the results can be pretty unexpected. But note that isnt always the case :P

asixjin profile image
King Asix β€’

I thought developers were allergic to getting high lol. I like to smoke a joint or bowl and drink water when I code, but I prefer sativa to indica for obvious reasons.

codefinity profile image
Manav Misra β€’

There is a gitmoji for something like this, "Write code drunkenly."

scrabill profile image
Shannon Crabill β€’

High on life?

No. Never.

vapordev profile image
Wagner Abrantes β€’

doing right now

alighali85 profile image
Ali Ghali β€’

Have you ever been high?

jtmst profile image
Josh Mills β€’

As Ernest Hemingway used to say, code drunk, debug sober

drgaud profile image
DrGaud β€’

what am amature question:
Start and end you day on a high note, and everything in between is a beautiful toke, toke; passs

osnegov profile image
osnegov β€’

Yes , can't do a lot of coding because you start to engineer the universe, but it's a lot of fun πŸ€ͺ

thefern profile image
Fernando B πŸš€ β€’

Not high, but a bit tipsy not for work stuff though just side projects. Only so far in before is counterproductive haha