DEV Community

Sarvesh Kesharwani
Sarvesh Kesharwani

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Main libraries of Go lang.

Go language has a rich set of standard libraries that cover a wide range of functionalities, making it easy to develop robust and efficient applications. Some of the main libraries in Go language include:

fmt - This library provides functions for formatting and printing text, such as Printf and Sprintf.

net - This library provides a set of functions and types for working with network protocols, such as TCP, UDP, and HTTP.

http - This library provides a set of functions and types for building HTTP servers and clients, including support for handling requests and responses, parsing URLs, and managing cookies.

encoding/json - This library provides functions for encoding and decoding JSON data, which is a popular data interchange format used in web applications and APIs.

os - This library provides functions for working with the operating system, such as reading and writing files, manipulating environment variables, and spawning new processes.

time - This library provides functions for working with dates and times, including formatting and parsing time strings, calculating durations, and working with time zones.

database/sql - This library provides a generic interface for working with relational databases, allowing you to write database-agnostic code that can work with multiple database systems.

crypto - This library provides a set of functions and types for working with cryptographic algorithms, including hashing, encryption, and digital signatures.

These are just a few examples of the many libraries available in Go language. There are many more libraries available for specific use cases, such as data science, machine learning, and web development. Additionally, Go language has a robust package management system, which makes it easy to install and use third-party libraries in your applications.

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arjunsingh757 profile image

hello sir i want to learn go+gin+mongodb suggest me any tutorial .