
Cover image for Blackbox — Code as fast as you think
Sarvesh Upadhyay
Sarvesh Upadhyay

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Blackbox — Code as fast as you think

Blackbox Code Search

Blackbox code search is build to make developers find the best code snippets to use while building awesome products!

Blackbox code autocomplete is available in 20+ programming languages including: Python, Java, C and C++, C#, JavaScript, SQL, PHP, Go, TypeScript, Kotlin, MATLAB,R, Swift, Rust, Ruby, Dart, Scala.

Here are 4 simple steps to make sure you have a great experience using Blackbox!

Step1: Start the line with "//"

Step2: Write your question for example: "//how to get the stock data of Tesla in python?"

Step3: Once you press the "?" question mark, Blackbox will return the code snippet

Step4: Press Tab to keep the suggested code snippet

Image description

Blackbox Code Autocomplete
Blackbox code autocomplete is build to make developers faster while writing code.

Blackbox code autocomplete is available in 20+ programming languages including Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, Go, and Ruby

Here are the 3 simple steps to make sure you have a great experience using Blackbox

Step 1: Open command palette (command + shift + p)

Step 2: Click on “Enable Blackbox Autocomplete

Step 3: Start coding and Blackbox will provide code suggestion each time you hit Enter

Note: For improved accuracy of the suggested code, it is recommended to start with a good comment on the function you want to build and Blackbox suggestions will improve.

Blackbox Code Search on Jupyter Lab & Jupyter Notebooks
Blackbox code search is now available on Jupyter to enable Developers and Data Scientists to find the best code snippets to use while building awesome products !

Here are 4 simple steps to make sure you have a great experience using Blackbox .

Step0: Download the Blackbox Chrome Extension

Step1 : Start the line with the comment symbol depending on which programming language you are using // , # , etc ....

Step2 : Write your question for example : " #connect to mongodb in python?”

Step3 : Once you press the " ? " question mark , Blackbox will return the code snippet

Step4: Press on the “Right Key” to accept the suggested code

Top comments (2)

svenherr profile image
Sven Herrmann

Great arricle :)
Did you also try Copilot from Github ?

sarveshupadhyay21 profile image
Sarvesh Upadhyay
