DEV Community

Sashi Kapoor
Sashi Kapoor

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how to install jenkins on ubuntu

Step-1 Install Java

Update your system

Install java

sudo apt install openjdk-21-jre

java -version

It should look something like this after running the command

openjdk version "21.0.1" 2023-10-17

Step-2 Install Jenkins

The commands you provided are used to add the Jenkins repository and its GPG key to your system, specifically for Debian-based Linux distributions.

Add Jenkins GPG Key:
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wget -q -O - | sudo apt-key add -


  1. Add Jenkins Repository to APT Sources:**

echo "deb binary/" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install jenkins

sudo systemctl enable jenkins
sudo systemctl start jenkins

sudo systemctl status jenkins

Open your web browser and enter the following URL in the address bar:


Setup Jenkins

Set an Admin Password to use Jenkins: Copy the command below and paste it on a terminal and you will get your Admin Password.
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** Install suggested plugins**

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** Create a Username and Password**

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Keep it running on the default URL

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