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Scofield Idehen
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The Evolution to Web3 and the Metaverse

Web3 and the metaverse represent an emerging vision for the next phase of the internet's evolution. While nascent, many believe these concepts built on blockchain technology will slowly revolutionize digital experiences over the coming decades.

This article will examine the key principles and technologies driving Web3 and metaverse development, along with examples of early adoption and use cases.

Defining Web3

The term Web3 was coined to represent the third major iteration of the internet. Web1 refers to the early static web of the 1990s dominated by publishers.

Web2 emerged with the social web of the 2000s, defined by centralized platforms like Facebook, YouTube, and Amazon. Users contribute content but don't own or control the networks.

Web3 aims to build a new internet where users control their data, assets, and identities without centralized intermediaries. It utilizes decentralized blockchain networks, cryptography, and token-based economics.

Some core principles of Web3 include:

Decentralization - Infrastructure, services, and governance implemented through open protocols and autonomous networks vs. centralized platforms. This removes single points of control/failure.

Ownership - Users own their data, digital assets, and decentralized identities rather than platform monopolies. Personal data becomes easily portable.

Trustless Services - Services based on blockchains, smart contracts, and consensus remove the need for blind trust in institutions. Code executes autonomously.

Transparent Operations - Activities across Web3 are verified through public blockchains, providing transparency into operations that influence users.

Permissionless Access - Web3 builds an open ecosystem not controlled by gatekeepers. Anyone can build, contribute, and participate without approval.

User Empowerment - Users control their funds, data, and identity. There is no artificial gatekeeping or restrictions on how users access apps and services.

User Pseudonymity - Web3 users identify themselves through blockchain addresses and decentralized IDs rather than usernames/passwords controlled by platforms. Improves privacy.

Native Payments - Cryptocurrencies and tokens allow frictionless value exchange natively across Web3 dApps and metaverse worlds vs. traditional payment rails.

Composability - Applications are open and modular, enabling services to be mixed, matched, and built upon each other through open standards vs. siloed platforms.

These principles aim to rectify problems of centralized control, lack of interoperability, and disempowered users that define today’s Web2.

What is the Metaverse?

The metaverse refers to collective virtual shared spaces accessed through the internet. In his 1992 science fiction novel Snow Crash, author Neal Stephenson coined the term.

The metaverse combines aspects of social networks, video games, augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), digital assets, and cryptocurrencies. Users interact through virtual avatars with a high degree of social presence and continuity of identity.

Early incarnations have emerged in games like Roblox, Minecraft, and Fortnite, where millions of users come together in virtual worlds. However, these experiences remain siloed due to walled gardens.

A fully open metaverse aims to allow users to move assets and identities across virtual worlds and apps easily. Activity spans both centralized and user-hosted spaces. As immersive headset technologies like Oculus Rift mature, persistent 3D virtual worlds are expected to grow rapidly.

Some defining traits of the metaverse include:

  • Shared sense of space, presence, and continuity of identity across virtual worlds.
  • The blending of physical and virtual worlds as AR technologies evolve.
  • User freedom to easily switch between apps, worlds, and experiences.
  • Support for virtual economies, property ownership, and wealth accumulation.
  • Utilization of digital goods, assets, content, and data across platforms.
  • Convergence of gaming, social, commerce, education, and entertainment.
  • Persistence - the metaverse exists continuously regardless of whether users are engaging.

Many experts see the metaverse as the next stage of the internet - an always-on network of 3D experiences accessible through extended reality technologies.

Why Blockchain is Crucial for Web3 and the Metaverse

For Web3 and the metaverse to develop into open, decentralized networks, giving users control over their data, identities, and assets, blockchain technology provides foundational components not offered by previous internet technologies.

Cryptocurrencies - Digital currencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum allow frictionless value exchange within these virtual ecosystems. Traditional payment rails like credit cards fail to provide seamless micropayments and real-time settlement needed for Web3 dApps and metaverse transactions.

Self-Sovereign Identity - Unlike usernames/passwords, which require third-party providers, decentralized identity systems based on blockchain, zero-knowledge proofs, and public/private keys give users sovereign control over digital credentials that cannot be revoked. This empowers user agency over identity attributes, reputation, activities, and connections across any Web3 app.

Digital Asset Ownership - Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) minted on blockchains allow true ownership of scarce and unique digital assets that can provably be transferred, traded, or sold. This is essential for open metaverse environments where users can bring items across virtual worlds.

Decentralized Networks - Building Web3 on open, decentralized network protocols controlled by users aligns with blockchain architecture. This removes monopoly control, leading to data abuse and platform lock-in under Web2's centralized model.

Trustless Interactions - In an environment of billions of users across the metaverse, establishing trust between anonymous parties becomes critical. Blockchain's inherent security, transparency, and irreversibility provide a foundation for trustless peer-to-peer interactions.

Transparent Governance - Decentralized governance through blockchain allows decisions around networks, protocols, and applications to be made bottom-up, giving users direct control versus wealthy shareholders or venture capital interests. All governing activities are transparent and auditable.

Composability - Similar to money being the universal medium of exchange between services, blockchain-based token standards provide a base composability layer for Web3 applications to integrate and build on top of each other through open interfaces and data layers versus closed-off silos under Web2.

Automated Agreements - Smart contracts allow agreements and rules around activities like lending, insurance, services, property rights, etc., to be enforced transparently on the blockchain without human intervention. This automation will be essential for metaverse worlds inhabited by millions.

For an open ecosystem where users control their data, assets, identities, and activities, blockchain is the critical building block rather than more centralized database architectures.

Early Metaverse and Web3 Applications

While the full realization of Web3 and the metaverse may be decades away, we are seeing early adoption with some key applications:

Decentralized Finance - Also referred to as DeFi, decentralized finance applications provide services like lending, trading, insurance, savings, and more - all powered by smart contracts on public blockchains. DeFi gives users access to financial services without centralized intermediaries. It has grown to over $250 billion in assets under management.

Non-Fungible Tokens - NFTs use blockchains to provide verifiable digital ownership of unique assets and collectibles like art, music, videos, virtual land, avatars, etc. NFT marketplaces like OpenSea have sold billions in sales volume, proving the appetite for digital ownership.

DAOs - Decentralized autonomous organizations allow groups to coordinate and govern themselves using blockchain-based voting and treasury management. Popular examples like ConstitutionDAO have demonstrated a new model for organizing and crowdfunding.

Social Tokens - Tokens representing individual creators are emerging as a new social currency. Holders collectively support and govern a community around personalities, artists, and influencers. Flaws in centralized platforms around data control and revenue sharing drive adoption.

Web3 Logins - Rather than usernames/passwords, Web3 applications are utilizing social logins with crypto wallets through WalletConnect. This eliminates centralized identity silos.

Virtual Worlds - Services like Decentraland and The Sandbox allow users to buy virtual land and build persistent structures and games as NFTs. Audit logs provide transparency into virtual government.

Digital Identity - Users can now create blockchain-based decentralized identifiers (DIDs) that uniquely identify them across Web3 applications, giving them sovereign control over personal data.

DAOs and Tokenized Crowdfunding - New organizations like ConstitutionDAO have demonstrated the ability to crowdfund millions of dollars in hours and coordinate through decentralized governance.

These examples offer glimpses into the new models of digital ownership, identity, organization, finance, and community being built using blockchain-based primitives. While niche today, they represent the foundations for the broader evolutions envisioned under Web3 and the metaverse.

Benefits and Implications of Web3

A gradual transition from the Web2 paradigm towards Web3 has profound implications on economics, society, and governance. An internet architecture with built-in decentralization and user empowerment at its core can redistribute many points of control and failure in existing systems.

Benefits of Web3 Include:

  • Users control their funds, assets, data, and identity without centralized intermediaries who can censor, block, or profit from user activity without consent.
  • Applications are built on open standards and transparent protocols rather than closed platforms. Composability between applications is innate.
  • Reduced systemic risk by removing single points of failure that dominate Web2, like AWS outages that take down large swathes of the internet.
  • Users can freely associate across decentralized networks and Metaverse worlds vs. centralized platforms with gated access controlled by private companies.
  • Enhanced privacy and anonymity. Users interact through self-sovereign identities, not government IDs or platform accounts. Data isn’t concentrated into central silos.
  • Censorship resistance. A decentralized nature prevents the takedown of networks and applications that give marginalized groups a voice.
  • More direct value exchange through cryptocurrencies and tokens vs. rent extraction by middlemen. Fiat on-ramps also expand financial access.
  • New models of fluid organization through DAOs and tokenized communities that align incentives between contributors and operators.
  • Trust is minimized through transparent and auditable blockchain-based interactions. Reliance on institutions replaced with code.
  • Everyone has read/write/execute permissions by default within open Web3 networks and protocols vs. closed Web2 systems.
  • Native microtransactions and machine-to-machine payments at scale through cryptocurrency models.

Potential Societal Shifts:

  • Redistribution of power from institutions to individuals.
  • New models of digital governance, organization, and crowdfunding.
  • Paradigm changes around data ownership, identity, and privacy.
  • Expanded financial access and innovation.
  • User choice over how they experience the internet and metaverse. Participation in multiple worlds/networks.
  • Changes in gatekeeper power structures and rents extracted by intermediaries like app stores.
  • Users direct the value they create online rather than pool it into shareholder returns.
  • Blurring lines between work, education, social experiences, gaming, and creation.
  • The Internet has changed from a consumption medium to a creative medium with user ownership.
  • closer ties between physical and virtual worlds.

The move towards Web3 promises to be gradual as entrenched interests resist change and new tech matures. But over the coming decades, the appeal of decentralized and user-controlled networks may overcome incumbent centralized powers. The economic incentives align strongly with openness.

Platforms and protocols built around empowering users starkly contrast to the Web2 model of entrenched data and power consolidation. While technical and regulatory unknowns persist, Web3 represents a compelling new paradigm for how the internet can evolve.

Metaverse Use Cases and Examples

Even in its nascent form, early metaverse applications demonstrate compelling use cases:

Gaming - By far the most popular use case currently.

Games like Fortnite, Roblox, and The Sandbox allow millions of users to play, socialize, compete, and earn income through virtual economies. Gaming drives mainstream adoption.

Virtual Events - During COVID lockdowns, conferences and events migrated to virtual worlds. Gather Town hosted 130K events in 2021. Sites like Decentraland and Somnium Space hosted virtual festivals. As virtual spaces improve, digital events become more viable.

Social Interaction - Apps like VRChat, Rec Room, and AltSpaceVR facilitate user-created worlds for social gatherings. Facebook Horizon offers social VR connections through virtual avatars. Over time, these spaces will mimic real-world social dynamics.

Virtual Shopping - Stores in metaverse environments allow more immersive shopping versus 2D e-commerce. Brands like Nike and Dior have already experimented with selling virtual branded goods. Virtual commerce unlocks new revenue streams.

Virtual Real Estate - As virtual worlds expand, virtual land regulated by blockchain has become a new digital asset class. In Decentraland, plots sold for millions. Architecture firms are now designing virtual buildings and retail spaces.

Digital Identity - Users build pseudonymous digital identities and avatars reflecting their virtual selves. Profiles include relationships, activity logs, assets owned, and reputation. Identity verification comes through biometrics and cryptography vs. real-world ID docs.

Travel + Tourism - Virtual travel provides access to exotic simulated destinations. Museums and landmarks can be recreated digitally for remote exploration. Extended reality headset evolution will enhance realism.

Training + Simulation - High-risk jobs from surgeons to pilots already use VR simulation for training. As environments and haptics improve, professional training shifts toward immersive simulated learning.

Healthcare - VR psychotherapy and virtual medical appointments became popular during COVID. Pain management through immersion therapy distracts patients from pain. AR glasses even assist surgeons in the theater.

Engineering + Design - 3D simulation using CAD models allows products to be assembled and tested virtually. VR design reviews with geographically dispersed teams reduce travel costs.

Education - Gamified virtual education creates engagement and collaboration. Courses can utilize 3D models, simulations, and collaboration on virtual campuses. Language learning is enhanced through immersion.

As headsets improve and experiences become richer, more aspects of work, education, healthcare, design, social connections, and entertainment transition to shared virtual environments.

Challenges Facing Web3 and Metaverse Adoption

Despite offering a compelling vision for the internet’s next iteration, Web3 and the Metaverse face barriers to mainstream adoption, including:

Immature Technology - VR/AR headsets remain niche due to costs, aesthetics, and motion sickness issues. Haptics and simulations that mimic reality are still crude. For mass adoption, technology needs refinement.

Education Lag - Mainstream understanding of blockchain and Web3 is still limited. The learning curve creates high barriers to usage. New onboarding mechanisms are required.

Regulatory Uncertainty - Governments have offered little regulatory clarity around blockchain, cryptocurrencies, smart contracts, and virtual assets. Unclear rules hinder investment.

Platform Resistance - Powerful Web2 incumbents may fight to maintain monopolies over data, content, markets, and profits. Their collaboration will determine the pace of adoption.

Crypto Volatility - Cryptocurrency volatility deters risk-averse businesses and consumers despite underpinning Web3 models. Price stability is required for transactions.

Security + Privacy Concerns - Behaviors in Web3 and the metaverse require deep trust. However, blockchain’s immutability surfaces transparency vs. privacy tradeoffs compared to being pseudonymous online.

Onboarding & UX Friction - Interacting in Web3 can be cumbersome even for the tech-savvy due to the self-custody of assets and managing private keys. Better fiat on-ramps and simpler UX are needed.

Centralization Pressures - As networks grow, decentralization often gives way to large player dominance. Avoiding these centralization forces will be an ongoing challenge as adoption increases.

Unclear Value Capture - Business models for open metaverse environments are uncertain. Value accrues to users, not enterprises. New monetization and incentive models are needed.

Overcoming these hurdles will determine how quickly Web3, blockchain technology, and the metaverse transition from their initial niche use to broader adoption by mainstream consumers and enterprises.


While still early-stage concepts, Web3 and the metaverse represent ambitious visions for the next phase of the internet built on principles of decentralization, user empowerment, open standards, and greater interconnection between our physical and digital lives.

Blockchain technology provides the crucial building blocks for realizing this through trustless transactions, tokenized incentive models, user data sovereignty, and transparent operations across networks and protocols.

The evolution will be gradual over decades. But if achieved, benefits range from redistributed power and control to new digital ownership, organization, and monetization models. Privacy and censorship resistance may improve. However, risks around transparency, security, and centralization will persist.

Much like the mobile internet ushered in powerful new applications like ridesharing, mobile payments, and social media in the Web2 era, Web3 and the metaverse promise to unlock new beneficial use cases and unintended societal consequences.

Technical hurdles remain. However, the allure of open, user-controlled networks where value aligns with participants rather than shareholders may eventually prevail despite resistance from incumbent powers who benefit most from closed models.

We are still in the very early days of revolutionizing how hundreds of millions of people will experience life online together through the metaverse. And rearchitecting internet infrastructure and business models to empower users over institutions via Web3.

Both concepts offer a glimpse into the next chapter of human collaboration and relationships brought together through technology. The potential for positive global connection and impact is boundless. But thoughtful progress is crucial to allow these nascent technologies to improve lives rather than deepen inequality.

The journey ahead will be defined by gradual trial and error. But the destination could reshape society's experience of information, community, and commerce in ways we can only begin to imagine.

If you find this post exciting, find more exciting posts on the Learnhub Blog; we write everything tech from Cloud computing to Frontend DevCybersecurityAI, and Blockchain.


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