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Cover image for Ok I knew contributing to open source was fun but no one told me it would be this easy :satisfied:

Ok I knew contributing to open source was fun but no one told me it would be this easy :satisfied:

Sdu on October 12, 2019

I honestly didn't think I would be able to finish the hacktoberfest challenge, let alone in such short amount of time. Still I feel like I am not d...
jmfayard profile image
Jean-Michel πŸ•΅πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ Fayard β€’ β€’ Edited

Nice post.

Procrastinatination is not a always a bad thing.

For me (edited) it's a symptom that what I intend to do is not simple enough yet.

I have a list of simple useful things you can contribute at the end of this

sctm74 profile image
SCTM74 β€’

Procrastination is significantly more complicated than that and a self destructive behavior. Stick to what you have competence in (computer science). What works for you may only work for you. After reading your comments, it's ostensibly a poor rationalization. Try honesty regardless of where it leads you. "This above all: To thine own self be true. And it must follow as the night the day, thou canst then be false to any man." Polonious, Hamlet

jmfayard profile image
Jean-Michel πŸ•΅πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ Fayard β€’

What works for you may only work for you.

That part is right. I have edited my comment.

On the other hand, I have no intention to "stick to computer science".

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sctm74 profile image
SCTM74 β€’ β€’ Edited

Then you are operating outside your competency. The number one guide in medicine and in psychology IS NEVER OPERATE OUTSIDE YOUR COMETENCY. You have no idea how much harm you can inflict upon others when you do. A single sentence can dramatically change a persons life. I've had the fortune of knowing those I've helped with the right words. I dread the thought of imagining who I've done the opposite the wrong words. We all must be more careful of what we say to others: especially when we give advice to how others should manage their life/problems. I'm sure you don't realize it but, your response contradicts itself. Read it again and think about it.

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jmfayard profile image
Jean-Michel πŸ•΅πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ Fayard β€’ β€’ Edited

We all must be more careful of what we say to others

Good point and I get it.

I'm sure you don't realize it but, your response contradicts itself. Read it again and think about it.

I have read it again and can't find which of my sentance is wrong.

(Sentance 1) Procrastinatination is not always a bad thing.

The mathematical contrary of "not always" is "at least in one case".
I know "at least one case" and more where procrastination is good. I have bipolar tendencies, and when I am in a maniac phase, procrastination is a very useful tool.

(Sentance 2, edited) For me, t's a symptom that what I intend to do is not simple enough yet.

As fas as I'm concerned, I am inside my competency when I talk about myself.

Then you are operating outside your competency.

Is that worse that letting people suffer alone?

thomascutting profile image
Thomas β€’

Hi Jean β€” I really like breaking down procrastination to one idea of looking at macro not micro. In my experience when breaking down big picture items to our team, making these milestones β€œedible” is my #1 focus. Thank you for sharing! Have a great one. -Tom

melconcoast profile image
Krishna Vyas β€’

Thanks for sharing !

thomascutting profile image
Thomas β€’

Thank you for sharing, Beautus. In your article you mentioned you added JSDocs to a repo. Would love to hear more about that first step. Did hacktoberfest provide repos or provide information on how to find repos to contribute to? All the best! -Tom

jmfayard profile image
Jean-Michel πŸ•΅πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ Fayard β€’

For example with
And plenty of things at

sduduzog profile image
Sdu β€’

Another useful site is

subbramanil profile image
Subbu Lakshmanan β€’

Hey Bud,

It's great to see your post! And Thank you for mentioning my post :)

I'm participating in Hactoberfest this year as well. Plan to write a blog/series of blogs once I finish.

Looking forward to see your posts as well!


sduduzog profile image
Sdu β€’

No thank you. I doubt I'd have done half of all this without the help.

NB: The app is sitting on 56k+ downloads on Google Play alone

sonandrew profile image
Andrew Jackson β€’

Haha β€œI still did nothing” <β€” that was me last year.

sduduzog profile image
Sdu β€’

After you send in that one PR, everything else falls into place πŸ€žπŸ˜…

vypxl profile image
vypxl β€’

I'm so grateful for your post. I could not participate until a week ago due to personal reasons, then I thought I would not have enough time for completing the challenge.
But I saw this post and it really motivated me again to just try it and now BAM four PR's submitted, three already merged!

The feeling of approval is just so satisfying. Please try it out everyone, there's no real downside from contributing and it doesn't have to cost much time too :)

yourwpmadesimple profile image
Wayne Hatter β€’

Hey, man. Can you provide the first step to contributing? How? Where?


sduduzog profile image
Sdu β€’

Oh man, this is a tough one to answer from the top of my head. But I've read some pretty interesting posts that I think can answer your questions, or at least give you an idea.

yourwpmadesimple profile image
Wayne Hatter β€’

Cool! Thanks, bro.

petecapecod profile image
Peter Cruckshank β€’

Yes it can seen kind of scary at first, but once you start doing it you realize that's it's fun to help! And usually the people are great πŸ˜„πŸ‘

sduduzog profile image
Sdu β€’

I swear they're the best. Great experience I've ever had. With every PR, there's something new that I learn.