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Sean McPherson
Sean McPherson

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What's a better way to start a conference talk than "Uh... okay, so I guess it's time to get started?"

I'm giving my first conference talk at CONNECT.TECH 2019 in Atlanta, GA next week, and I am excited!

Over the past few months, I've spent a lot of time studying the subject, fine tuning my slides, and working through the talk itself. But there is one thing that is hanging me up: the kick-off.

I have seen a bunch of talks at different conferences, and it seems like the default "start" is a diffusing question or statement like: "Alright, so I guess I'll begin."

There has got to be a better way!

What are some of the great talk kick-offs that you've heard? What do you like and what do you dislike? How would you start your tech talk?

Top comments (21)

avalander profile image
Avalander • Edited

Hello, my name is Iñigo Montoya and today I'll talk about why you killed my father, prepare to die.

Is usually a good format. Avoid filler words, state your intent and move on.

Another option is to start with an interesting fact loosely related to what you're going to talk about. People love learning silly things.

Did you know that potatoes originally come from Peru, where they have more than 1200 varieties of potatoes? In that sense, potatoes are a lot like Javascript frameworks.

I strongly dislike speakers that start with good morning or whatever and expect the audience to answer back and then they're like c'mon we can do better than this or I can't hear you, like, this is a conference Brad, not Bikini Bottom.

And speakers that start with I have a lot of slides, so I'll try to finish on time lose me immediately.

seanmcp profile image
Sean McPherson

You are totally right about the "C'mon we can do better than that!" I've seen elementary school students roll their eyes at that line.

Thanks for the suggestions: short and direct.

devdrake0 profile image

this is a conference Brad, not Bikini Bottom

Yeah, fuck you Brad!

loujaybee profile image
Lou (🚀 Open Up The Cloud ☁️)

"This is a conference Brad, not Bikini Bottom.' 😂😂😂😂😂

thefern profile image
Fernando B 🚀 • Edited

Probably one of my favorite talks. He says good morning, how are you, quickly then introduces a quick starting point. Sir Ken has those funny moments to break the monotone style through out and keep the audience engaged, followed by strong points related to his talk.

Sir Ken Robinson: Do schools kill creativity?

seanmcp profile image
Sean McPherson

That is a great talk! I'm going to set a goal to have that type of rapport with the audience down the road.

thefern profile image
Fernando B 🚀

Without slides too. He's probably had tons of experience from teaching.

I've watched so many talks where the intro is boring, and the host energy is so low that the audience barely gets engaged. I guess is an art in itself, I've always been shy so I would probably suck at giving a talk lol.

sirseanofloxley profile image
Sean Allin Newell

If you have the energy of a billion white hot sons like I do you can:

Hi! I'm Sean and I'm here to talk about {TOPIC}; I'm pumped to share with y'all - like this cute pic of a stoked kitty!

Or if your energy is more of a low key sort:

Hi, I'm Sean and I'm here to talk about {TOPIC}; here's a nonsequeter picture of a puppy.

I like nonsequeters :3

seanmcp profile image
Sean McPherson

I've seen that work before. Who doesn't like to see a puppy?

loujaybee profile image
Lou (🚀 Open Up The Cloud ☁️)

I've always liked it when talks treat the talk like a conversation — no different than if you were sparking up conversation in the hallway. So like a comment about a previous talk, the venue, the food ... anything really that's relatable. And if you can make it mildly funny... bonus.

The whole launching into straight into a story thing is cool, and pretty captivating but since it's not TED it can feel a bit woo-woo. "It was a cold dark winters morning..." 😂All this being said, I think a basic who you are and jumping into the topic works... I don't think there's any need to overcomplicate things.

Also: Good luck! 😁😁😁😁😁

seanmcp profile image
Sean McPherson

Yeah, I don't think I'll be able to swing the TED introduction, but my friends have described me as "mildly funny." 😉

loujaybee profile image
Lou (🚀 Open Up The Cloud ☁️)

NGL — That did make me laugh, but only mildly.

jasonstcyr profile image
Jason St-Cyr

I like to use the old "Hey everybody, my name is [Name], thanks for being here. [Insert relevant comment on the day]. Today I'd like to spend a few minutes with you to chat about something that is important to me: [topic, not title of presentation]"

Then I do the setup of the problem scenario of why I feel the topic discussion is needed. It works for process-oriented sessions, soft-skills types of talks, but might not be as relevant for something like "Here's a walkthrough of my coding solution" type of thing.

seanmcp profile image
Sean McPherson

That seems like a good balance of friendly and direct. Thanks for the suggestion!

patricktingen profile image
Patrick Tingen • Edited

If it's your first conference talk, you probably don't want to try a ridiculous starting sentence, so I would just do something like this:

Hi everybody, good to see you all here, I love to tell you all about Accessibility and if you think that React and Accessibility don't belong in the same sentence, wow, have I got news for you. But first, let me introduce myself. My name is Sean, and I'm a software developer at Niche Inc. in Pittsburgh, PA. I love creating dynamic, accessible, and user-friendly interfaces with React. And as I said, I'm gonna tell you all about it.

Good luck next week!

seanmcp profile image
Sean McPherson

Oh wow, you did all the work for me! I like how you built the hook into the introduction.

I may just use this! 👍

patricktingen profile image
Patrick Tingen

Good luck and let us know how it went

adnanrahic profile image
Adnan Rahić

I'm starting my talk at WebCampZagreb 2019, which is today by the way, with a meme. 😄

seanmcp profile image
Sean McPherson

Hope it goes well for you!

integerman profile image
Matt Eland

It's easy if you're the first session of the morning or afternoon. "Good [morning/afternoon] [confName]!" [dramatic pause] "You folks ready for more awesome sessions?"

I also try to stick a non-sequitor beginning up front if I think I'll be nervous. I started my tech debt talk at CodeMash discussing the paperwork at a medical appointment, then wove it in to my topic. Grab and hold that attention, then launch into your practiced routine.

hminaya profile image
Hector Minaya
