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Seema Saharan
Seema Saharan

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My First Experience with TypeScript

I was going to start a challenge by MLH: Local Hack Day, and the challenge was to write Hello World in a new programming language, and I thought I have never ever worked or even saw a code in TypeScript, so I started exploring and learning about it, and I literally got shocked and amazed how it works.
Don't judge, haha, I am a noob in TS.

Why I got amazed?

Since browsers natively does not understand typescript, but they understand javascript. So in order to run typescript codes, first it is transpiled to javascript.

And when I compiled the program, it created a new file with .js, as it should be. This was the most shocking, I really don't know why, because I have never seen such type of working in any other programming languages that I have used. It was cool.

I just started with TS, so created my first program.

What is TypeScript?

“TypeScript is JavaScript for application-scale development.”

TypeScript is an open-source programming language. It is developed by Microsoft.
It follows JavaScript syntactically but adds more features to it. It is a superset of JS.

TS and JS

Feature of TS

  • Purely object-oriented, with features like classes, objects, and interfaces like Java
  • TypeScript supports other JS libraries
  • Any valid .js file can be renamed to .ts and compiled with other TypeScript files
  • TypeScript is portable

Running a TS code

Browsers natively does not understand typescript, but they understand javascript. So in order to run typescript codes, first it is transpiled to javascript.

tsc : is a typescript compiler(transpiler) that converts typescript code into javascript.

You can install tsc by running the following command:

npm install -g typescript

Write your first program

  • Create a file named "helloworld.ts".
  • Add these lines of code.
var greet: string = "Greetings"; 
var message: string = "MLH Local Hack Day!"; 
console.log(greet + " from " + message); 
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
  • To compile, run the following command:

tsc helloworld.ts

This command will generate a javascript file with name helloworld.js

  • Run the javascript file using the following command on the command line :

node helloworld.js

  • Output:

Greetings from MLH Local Hack Day!

GitHub repo for the same

Hit a ❤, if you are also new to TS.

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Top comments (2)

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krishna kakade


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Seema Saharan
