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React Stack 2025

Seif on January 05, 2025

The Modern React Tech Stack for Building the Future: Building on Vishwas Gopinath’s insightful blog post, React + AI Stack, I’ve reworked some idea...
peterlidee profile image
Peter Jacxsens

This is just copy paste from React + AI Stack for 2025 by Vishwas Gopinath on 02/01/2025. And yeah I did see the little reference link on the bottom. Write your own content or at least give proper credits.

seifzellaban profile image

Thanks for catching that! You’re absolutely right—I should’ve made the reference clearer from the start. I went back and updated the post to give Vishwas Gopinath’s original work, a proper shoutout right at the top. I also tweaked the content to better reflect my own take while making sure it’s obvious where the inspiration came from.

I totally get how important it is to give credit, and I appreciate you calling it out. It’s all about respecting the original creator while adding your own spin, right?

Thanks again for the nudge—it’s always good to keep things transparent!

peterlidee profile image
Peter Jacxsens

Thanks for the update.

himanshu_code profile image
Himanshu Sorathiya

Can't have enough words to express my feelings, thanks for this post, great roadmap covering all front end concepts like server side, client side, testing, necessary backend, styling, and extras like forms, animations etc, thanks

Currently I'm on my verge to complete my React+TS and completed core react like contextAPI, Redux etc, and reached React Query ( tanstack query ), and my next goal was of Next and then I didn't had necessary information about future, what to do and what not, but thanks to you for clearing all my doubts with this post with all relevant and necessary details

Thank You

seifzellaban profile image
Seif • Edited

Thank you for your kind words, also I'm so glad that you are reaching your goals i would also like to refer you JSM who is a very good React/Next content creator that has a ton of courses on building fullstack apps.

himanshu_code profile image
Himanshu Sorathiya

Will checkout, Thanks for this

sebconejo profile image
Sébastien Conejo

Thank you for your post. I'd like t add Manifest which is a great backend option to pair with a React frontend. With a simple YAML file, it generates a REST API, admin panel, and database, making it perfect for MVPs or CRUD-heavy projects. Check it out :

Manifest Github repository →

martygo profile image
Martins Gouveia

Interesting. You should make a post talking more and showing showcases.

pierre profile image
Pierre-Henry Soria ✨

Yay, incredible to be in 2025 already! Nice one Seif 🔥

martygo profile image
Martins Gouveia

For ORM: Drizzle, work very well with Supabase.

cmacu profile image
Stasi Vladimirov

React? Is that the same react that needs a bunch of bandaid hooks like useCallback and useMemo just to make basic reactivity work? Or perhaps it’s “the library” that notoriously slower than any other frontend option? Wait maybe it’s only frontend solution where the cascading part in CSS is forbidden word… And let’s not talk about routing… Oh wait I am mistaken the modern React we are talking about is the one that suddenly decided that the above problems are not enough and suddenly added server side to the mix… Just ignore the obvious conflicts of interest with Next.js business model… oh well perhaps its not because of the so called react compiler that took 4+ years to develop and is still somehow practically useless?!?! But wait there is more… you want modular global state management? Sorry the best we can do is useContext which leads to endless re-renders and circular dependencies… Or maybe you would love an async effects to help you deal with api calls, form elements, etc? Sorry, we are just a library, here is a “use” function that doesn’t make things easier, but sure as hell will introduce more ambiguity. Is that also the only front end framework that is not written in Typescript? In 2025?
Amazing that anyone would consider any of the above “modern”. Please stop promoting this mistake. Even Facebook devs admitted it was mistake…

brianw119 profile image
Brian Ward

Thanks for your detailed critique. What would you consider to be a better alternative than react?

henriqueoliv profile image
Henrique Oliveira

Very interesting 🤔, I go try my self

sourav_22cdd152890952704c profile image

Great overview of essential tools for modern React development! Covers everything from state management and animations to testing, tables, and hosting. 👏

mordechaim profile image
Mordechai Meisels • Edited

I'd add Neon as a database. A fully managed serverless Postgres with scale to zero.

And for an ORM my favorite is OrchidORM. Not very well know, but a hidden gem in the js/ts world.

brense profile image
Rense Bakker

Nice stack but, as a side note, we should be a little bit hesitant about adding certain dependencies to our projects. You don't need React hook form for example... It makes forms more complicated than they need to be. You can handle forms just fine with uncontrolled inputs using the form onChange and onSubmit events. TanStack Query I also don't recommend, browser fetch works just fine and the hooks that TanStack Query exposes, trigger extra incomplete renders due to dirty (not memoized) state inside the hooks which hurts the performance of your app.

animesh95 profile image
Animesh Rathore

Yeah even I don't like to use react hook form it's kinda make our codebase complicated.

fattyshu profile image

Its an excellent post. Can I translate your post into Chinese and post in my blog? I will attach the origin which this post in my blog.

vijay_inkrefuge_2ac6bbadc profile image
vijay inkrefuge
seifzellaban profile image

Exactly as VIjay said this post is my retake on the original Vishwas Gopinath’s React + AI Stack

fattyshu profile image
