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Obsidian sync using git

  • Create repo in GitHub
  • Clone in directory where you want it (this is for PC)
  • And in terminal, just make first commit and push. So plugin in Obsidian can do those easily next time.


  • Set up ssh keys

  • Install
    Community plugin in obsidian (obsidian://show-plugin?id=obsidian-git)

  • Configure plugin.. like username and email, but if there is ssh in OS, then no need to set up anything else.


  • Create empty vault
  • Install same plugin on phone.
  • Create git token:
    Minimal permissions required are
    "Read access to metadata"
    "Read and Write access to contents and commit status"

  • Under the "Authentication/Commit Author" section, fill in the username on your git server and your password/personal access token.

  • Exit plugin settings, open command palette, choose "Obsidian Git: Clone existing remote repo".

You just use http way of cloning in github (so it have .git at end of url.. )


  • Then you can add username and email, to be synced...

In plugin settings, add it to be synced every 1 minute.
No notifications.
Auto backup after file change
Auto pull interval 1 minute
Pull updates on startup to be On
Push on backup to be On
Pull changes before push to be On


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