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Working in Parallel

Branch then Merge

In the third lab that we were assigned in my Opensource Dev course at Seneca we were taught how to checkout feature branches so that we can work on multiple features independently and how to later merge them all to the main branch and resolve conflicts. To do so we yet again used our simple site generators

Introducing Feature Branches

The first step to this was to create two small issues that we would create feature branches for. For me these issues were the following: #6 and #7.

using checkout -b I created two new feature branches associated with the numbers of the issues, in my case issue-6 and issue-7.

Adding the code

This part was really easy. @rudychung made the code he added in his PR last week easily legible and compartmentalized it into two functions that were easy to add to, I took his logic and just replaced the regex pattern for the code tag change and I slightly altered it for the hr tag change because the hr tag does not wrap any text, the --- is just found and replaced.

Merging it all

The merge commits are the following: 4c9657a and 8302b5.
In the first of which I added the code tag logic and the second of which I added the hr tag logic.

Problems and Challenges

Not much to add here honestly, this week everything seemed pretty straight forward, one thing to note is when I used git log in the terminal I did not know how to get out of it until I googled it and learned that I had to press q.

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