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Sh Raj
Sh Raj

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PhpGram - A PHP library for interacting with the Telegram Bot API.


PhpGram is a PHP library for interacting with the Telegram Bot API, providing easy-to-use methods for sending messages, media, managing chats, stickers, inline queries, payments, and more.

GitHub logo SH20RAJ / phpgram

A PHP library for interacting with the Telegram Bot API.


License PHP Telegram Bot API Visitors Latest Stable Version

PhpGram is a PHP library for interacting with the Telegram Bot API, providing easy-to-use methods for sending messages, media, managing chats, stickers, inline queries, payments, and more.

Table of Contents


Install PhpGram via Composer:

composer require sh20raj/phpgram
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Alternatively, you can clone the repository:

git clone
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First, include the library in your PHP file and initialize PhpGram with your bot token:

require __DIR__ . '/../src/PhpGram.php';

use PhpGram\PhpGram;

$token = 'YOUR_BOT_TOKEN';
$bot = new PhpGram($token);
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Basic Usage

Try Example: Toss Bot (Toss a coin and get the result or roll a dice)

// Example: Get bot information
$botInfo = $bot->getMe()
echo 'Bot
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Table of Contents


Install PhpGram via Composer:

composer require sh20raj/phpgram
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Alternatively, you can clone the repository:

git clone
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First, include the library in your PHP file and initialize PhpGram with your bot token:

require_once 'path/to/phpgram.php';

$token = 'YOUR_BOT_TOKEN';
$bot = new PhpGram($token);
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Basic Usage

// Example: Get bot information
$botInfo = $bot->getMe();
echo 'Bot Username: ' . $botInfo['result']['username'] . PHP_EOL;
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Sending Messages and Media

Sending Text Messages

// Send a text message
$chatId = 'YOUR_CHAT_ID';
$message = 'Hello from PhpGram!';
$response = $bot->sendMessage($chatId, $message);
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Sending Photos

// Send a photo
$photoPath = 'path/to/photo.jpg';
$response = $bot->sendPhoto($chatId, $photoPath, ['caption' => 'Check out this photo!']);
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Sending Audio

// Send an audio file
$audioPath = 'path/to/audio.mp3';
$response = $bot->sendAudio($chatId, $audioPath, ['caption' => 'Listen to this audio!']);
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Sending Documents

// Send a document
$documentPath = 'path/to/document.pdf';
$response = $bot->sendDocument($chatId, $documentPath, ['caption' => 'Here is your document.']);
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Sending Videos

// Send a video
$videoPath = 'path/to/video.mp4';
$response = $bot->sendVideo($chatId, $videoPath, ['caption' => 'Watch this video!']);
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Sending Animations

// Send an animation
$animationPath = 'path/to/animation.gif';
$response = $bot->sendAnimation($chatId, $animationPath, ['caption' => 'Enjoy this animation!']);
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Sending Voice Messages

// Send a voice message
$voicePath = 'path/to/voice.ogg';
$response = $bot->sendVoice($chatId, $voicePath, ['caption' => 'Listen to this voice message!']);
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Sending Video Notes

// Send a video note
$videoNotePath = 'path/to/video_note.mp4';
$response = $bot->sendVideoNote($chatId, $videoNotePath);
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Sending Media Groups

// Send a media group
$mediaGroup = [
    ['type' => 'photo', 'media' => 'path/to/photo1.jpg'],
    ['type' => 'photo', 'media' => 'path/to/photo2.jpg'],
$response = $bot->sendMediaGroup($chatId, $mediaGroup);
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Sending Locations

// Send a location
$response = $bot->sendLocation($chatId, 40.712776, -74.005974); // New York City coordinates
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Sending Venues

// Send a venue
$response = $bot->sendVenue($chatId, 40.712776, -74.005974, 'Venue Name', 'Venue Address');
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Sending Contacts

// Send a contact
$response = $bot->sendContact($chatId, 'PHONE_NUMBER', 'FirstName', ['last_name' => 'LastName']);
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Sending Polls

// Send a poll
$response = $bot->sendPoll($chatId, 'Your Question?', ['Option 1', 'Option 2']);
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Sending Dice

// Send a dice
$response = $bot->sendDice($chatId);
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Managing Chats and Members

// Kick a member from a chat
$userId = 'USER_ID_TO_KICK';
$response = $bot->kickChatMember($chatId, $userId);

// Unban a member from a chat
$response = $bot->unbanChatMember($chatId, $userId);

// Restrict a member in a chat
$permissions = ['can_send_messages' => false];
$response = $bot->restrictChatMember($chatId, $userId, $permissions);

// Promote a member to an admin
$response = $bot->promoteChatMember($chatId, $userId);

// Set custom title for an admin
$response = $bot->setChatAdministratorCustomTitle($chatId, $userId, 'Custom Title');
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Handling Stickers

// Send a sticker
$stickerPath = 'path/to/sticker.webp';
$response = $bot->sendSticker($chatId, $stickerPath);

// Get a sticker set
$stickerSetName = 'sticker_set_name';
$response = $bot->getStickerSet($stickerSetName);

// Upload a sticker file
$stickerFilePath = 'path/to/sticker.png';
$response = $bot->uploadStickerFile($userId, $stickerFilePath);

// Create a new sticker set
$stickerParams = [
    'name' => 'sticker_set_name',
    'title' => 'Sticker Set Title',
    'png_sticker' => 'path/to/sticker.png',
    'emojis' => 'πŸ˜€',
$response = $bot->createNewStickerSet($userId, $stickerParams);

// Add a sticker to a set
$response = $bot->addStickerToSet($userId, 'sticker_set_name', 'path/to/sticker.png', 'πŸ˜€');

// Set sticker position in a set
$response = $bot->setStickerPositionInSet('sticker_file_id', 0);

// Delete a sticker from a set
$response = $bot->deleteStickerFromSet('sticker_file_id');
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Inline Mode

// Answer an inline query
$inlineQueryId = 'INLINE_QUERY_ID';
$results = [ /* Array of InlineQueryResult objects */ ];
$response = $bot->answerInlineQuery($inlineQueryId, $results);
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// Send an invoice
$invoiceParams = [
    'title' => 'Product Name',
    'description' => 'Description of the product',
    'payload' => 'unique_payload',
    'provider_token' => 'PROVIDER_PAYMENT_TOKEN',
    'start_parameter' => 'start_param',
    'currency' => 'USD',
    'prices' => json_encode([ ['label' => 'Product Price', 'amount' => 1000] ]),
$response = $bot->sendInvoice($chatId, $invoiceParams);

// Answer a shipping query
$shippingQueryId = 'SHIPPING_QUERY_ID';
$response = $bot->answerShippingQuery($shippingQueryId, true);

// Answer a pre-checkout query
$preCheckoutQueryId = 'PRE_CHECKOUT_QUERY_ID';
$response = $bot->answerPreCheckoutQuery($preCheckoutQueryId, true);
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// Send a game
$gameShortName = 'game_short_name';
$response = $bot->sendGame($chatId, $gameShortName);

// Set game score
$response = $bot->setGameScore($userId, 100);

// Get game high scores
$response = $bot->getGameHighScores($userId);
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Handling Updates

// Get updates
$updates = $bot->getUpdates();

// Set a webhook
$response = $bot->setWebhook('');

// Delete a webhook
$response = $bot->deleteWebhook();

// Get webhook info
$response = $bot->getWebhookInfo();
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Contributions are welcome! Fork the repository, make your changes, and submit a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.

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API Trace View

How I Cut 22.3 Seconds Off an API Call with Sentry πŸ•’

Struggling with slow API calls? Dan Mindru walks through how he used Sentry's new Trace View feature to shave off 22.3 seconds from an API call.

Get a practical walkthrough of how to identify bottlenecks, split tasks into multiple parallel tasks, identify slow AI model calls, and more.

Read more β†’

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Sh Raj β€’

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