
What is your best way to manage emails?

Shahed Nasser on April 14, 2022

Emails become harder to deal with time. A lot of emails get lost among spam or other more important emails. How do you manage your emails? Do you ...
mebble profile image
Neil Syiemlieh

Last July I had 13000 unread emails. So I just declared email bankruptcy and decided to manage emails better like this:

  • Now I archive all read emails
  • Unsubscribed from all useless promos and newsletters
  • Use labels and colour code them.
  • Create filters that will automatically label new emails based on the sender/content/etc. Really helps with shopping/transaction receipts.

Since doing this I've managed to keep my inbox smaller than 10 emails or so for the last 9 months!

aminmansuri profile image

I declare bankrupcy regularily at least a few times of year.

My email credit is terrible.

shahednasser profile image
Shahed Nasser

Wow 13000! That would’ve cause me so much anxiety 😅 Good job reducing it down!

jonrandy profile image
Jon Randy 🎖️ • Edited

I have never understand why people think this is difficult, or a problem. I use Gmail, and a few labels. I rarely receive more than 10 emails per day. The spam filters are fantastic and rarely get anything wrong. The only problem with Gmail is the shitty interface, but I use the 'Inbox Reborn' extension to make it more tolerable (I still cannot understand why Google discontinued Inbox... by far the best email client ever)

shahednasser profile image
Shahed Nasser

Gmail is good but when you work with different types of people or in different types of tasks things can get messy. I struggle with this mostly in my personal email actually rather than my work email 😅

nicklasgellner profile image
Nicklas Gellner

I use Super Human, it increased my email productivity by 80%!

shahednasser profile image
Shahed Nasser

Will check it out!

codbugs profile image
Coding Bugs

I searched in the past for this as well, and found an strategy following this classification: urgent for emails to be answered today, todo for emails to be answered in 5 days, more info for emails to be answered by customers or any other person, and, finally, archive for the rest of the emails. This is just a way of doing things and was really successful a few years ago, now, my responsibilities changed and I'm added labels for different clients too.

It is just one way of doing things.

shahednasser profile image
Shahed Nasser

Seems like a lot of people use the archive strategy

shahednasser profile image
Shahed Nasser

Sounds like a good strategy!

spiritupbro profile image

i delete all my email but i keep one important email

andrewbaisden profile image
Andrew Baisden

I flag the ones I want to revisit and when my inbox becomes to bloated I go through everything and reach inbox zero.

spaquet profile image
Stephane Paquet

One word: Hey! (

pramit_marattha profile image
Pramit Marattha

Wooow! There is a "tool" for everything ! 🤣