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Devin! World's First AI Software Engineer

Devin the software engineer is developed by Cognition is the world's first AI software engineer.

Devin is impressive because it can handle the entire software development process, from writing code to fixing bugs and even deploying the finished product. This means Devin can work independently or collaborate with human engineers.

Here are some of the things Devin can do:

  • Write code, including creating websites and software applications.
  • Debug and fix existing code.
  • Learn new technologies to tackle different projects.
  • Work independently or collaborate with human engineers.

Devin has even passed real-world coding interviews and completed freelance gigs on Upwork. It's designed to be a helpful teammate for software development, freeing up human engineers for more complex or creative tasks.

Top comments (5)

formatgm profile image
Ahmet Erşan Torun

Ah, here we are, on the brink of pushing the boundaries of technology! Devin, the newest star in the AI universe, has made its grand entrance. But remember, every star sometimes falters, and some even go out with a bang like a balloon!

In the development process, one of the biggest surprises a programmer can encounter is things not going as planned. And yes, Devin is not exempt from this universal rule.

The idea that artificial intelligence must be flawless is valid in an ideal world. However, in reality, every software, including AI, can make mistakes from time to time. These errors can range from minor inconveniences to major system malfunctions. Most AI systems experience what's called "word overflow" and can get overwhelmed when their data memories are overloaded, sometimes even deleting previous data to make room for new information. Ahhh, what are we even talking about here?

I've got a few ideas swirling around in my head. Hand them over, and let's give your Devin a real challenge. Thank you in advance! See you in 2027. Oh, and before I forget, start looking for a hair transplant doctor—I wouldn't want you to go bald on us.

formatgm profile image
Ahmet Erşan Torun

Oh, and just a little cherry on top: I had all this penned down by an AI. Funny, isn't it? But I guess the joke's on us because, in the future, they might not be cracking us up as much. Instead, they'll be too busy taking over our jobs, making critical decisions, and perhaps even pondering the mysteries of the universe. So here's to enjoying the humor while it lasts – before our AI overlords decide jokes are an inefficient use of processing power!

gulabsagevadiya profile image
Gulab Sagevadiya

Suddenly this devin become viral in developers community. Without any demo implementation or test for end
Do they intentionally marketing their product to developers? As there are so many similar apps on market already like autogpt, gpt-engineer etc

jyothi_reddy_7a130ffc624c profile image
Jyothi Reddy

Lambda function

shreyas5522 profile image
Shreyas Jagtap

Devin's capabilities are truly remarkable and hold great promise