DEV Community

Shamim Islam
Shamim Islam

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what ES6 features did you use?

Some of common feature did i use :

(i) Default parameters
(ii)Handelig parameters extended
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*What are the differences between var, let, and const? *

Let and const are block scope while var is global scope.
Var and let can be updated but const never can be updated.

Why will you use default parameters?

We can use default parameters when our function initializes with default value if no value or undefined is passed.

How does the Spread operator work?**

The spread operator (...) is used to get all the elements of an array. I.e.
Const numbers = [73, 67, 69, 79, 90];

** Difference between class and object?**

Class is a building block that leads to object-oriented-programming. It is a user defined data type.An object is the instance of classes.object has a physical existence.

How does inheritance work in JavaScript?
Prototypes are the functionality by which javascript inherits features from one place to another place.

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