Laravel 8 does not include the auth system by default now, You can install it By using laravel/ui package.
The common feature of ban any user from authentication is major missing in Laravel.
Here is What the login form Will looks like after banning any user from the application.
Steps To Achieve the outcome
Step 1 - Add New Column 'status' in the users table
Create a migration by running the command below
php artisan make:migration add_status_to_users_table
After Migration File created update the following code in the up() function.
Schema::table('users', function (Blueprint $table) {
Add 'status' in Fillable in app\Models\User.php
protected $fillable = [
Step 2 - Create a Middleware - CheckBanned
Create a middleware by running the command below.
php artisan make:middleware CheckBanned
Replace the handle method in app/Http/CheckBanned.php
public function handle(Request $request, Closure $next)
if(auth()->check() && (auth()->user()->status == 0)){
return redirect()->route('login')->with('error', 'Your Account is suspended, please contact Admin.');
return $next($request);
Step 3 - Register the Middleware - app/Http/Kernel.php
IN 'web' Middleware group register the CheckBanned Middleware by putting the code below.
Step 4 - Display The Error on the log in page.
Open login blade 'resources/views/auth/login.blade.php'
Add The following code to display the error message.
@if (session('error'))
<div class="alert alert-danger">
{{ session('error') }}
The Output result will look like
You Can Watch the video for detail explanation
Top comments (4)
i think i would prefer saving banned users with time
Second that; there is a common pattern, where a binary state (active/inactive, deleted/ not deleted, archived/not-archived) could be achieved with a timestamp - which in our case not only tells the admin since when the user is banned, but also allows for un-banning after, say a month.
And then the name of the field becomes
and the rest of inspiration should come fromSoftDeletes
traitI understand this is a Middleware example, so 1/0 is a good starting point; it just can be extended.
Well That's correct Thanks for detailed comment. @cyrillkalita
I think this is Just for starting point, you can always extend it according to your use case.