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Property-Based Testing: From Erlang/Elixir to Clojure

Reading Property-Based Testing with PropEr, Erlang, and Elixir and following along the examples helped me in learning this exciting testing methodology; but it also left me wondering: have I really absorbed and internalized just by following along?

So, I reached out to Fred, got his approval, and started translating the code from Erlang/Elixir to Clojure with test.check. All the code done [so far] are hosted at I'm using test.check as the property-based testing tool in Clojure.

Birthday Greeting Kata

The book breaks up the kata into 4 parts: CSV parsing, records filtering, employee module (bridging CSV parsing and records filtering), and email templating.

CSV Parsing

(ns pbtic.birthday.csv-test
  (:require [clojure.test :refer [deftest is]]
            [clojure.test.check.clojure-test :refer [defspec]]
            [clojure.test.check.generators :as gen]
            [ :refer [for-all]]
            [pbtic.birthday.csv :as csv]))

;; defs

(def ^:private text-data
  (str "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"
       ":;<=>?@ !#$%&'()*+-./[\\]^_`{|}~"))

;; generators

(defn- text [cs]
  (gen/let [xs (gen/list (gen/elements cs))]
    (apply str xs)))

(def unquoted-text (text text-data))
(def quotable-text (text (str text-data "\r\n\",")))

(def field (gen/one-of [unquoted-text, quotable-text]))

(def header (partial gen/vector field))
(def record (partial gen/vector field))

(defn entry [size ks]
  (gen/let [vs  (record size)]
    (zipmap ks vs)))

(def csv-source
  (gen/let [size    gen/pos-int
            ks      (header (inc size))]
    (gen/list (entry (inc size) ks))))

Unlike ?LET/let in PropEr/PropCheck,
clojure.test.check.generators/let can have multiple bindings where the binding after can reference the value of the one before, as shown at lines 39 and 40.

csv-source generates a list of maps, where each map is one record from the CSV source, and the keys of each map the header record. While it's idiomatic for Clojure maps to use keywords as keys to maps, the book recommends keeping the CSV parsing focused on encoding/decoding and not bring in any business requirements to keep the module/namespace maintainable.

;; properties

(defspec roundtrip-encoding-decoding
  (for-all [maps  csv-source]
    (= maps (csv/decode (csv/encode maps)))))

;; tests

(deftest one-column-csv-files-are-inherently-ambiguous
  (is (= "\r\n\r\n\r\n"
         (csv/encode [{"" ""}, {"" ""}])))

  (is (= [{"" ""}]
         (csv/decode "\r\n\r\n"))))

(deftest one-record-per-line
  (is (= [{"aaa" "zzz", "bbb" "yyy", "ccc" "xxx"}]
         (csv/decode "aaa,bbb,ccc\r\nzzz,yyy,xxx\r\n"))))

(deftest optional-trailing-crlf
  (is (= [{"aaa" "zzz", "bbb" "yyy", "ccc" "xxx"}]
         (csv/decode "aaa,bbb,ccc\r\nzzz,yyy,xxx"))))

(deftest double-quotes
  (is (= [{"aaa" "zzz", "bbb" "yyy", "ccc" "xxx"}]
         (csv/decode "\"aaa\",\"bbb\",\"ccc\"\r\n\"zzz\",\"yyy\",\"xxx\""))))

(deftest escape-crlf
  (is (= [{"aaa" "zzz", "b\r\nbb" "yyy", "ccc" "xxx"}]
         (csv/decode "\"aaa\",\"b\r\nbb\",\"ccc\"\r\nzzz,yyy,xxx"))))

(deftest double-quotes-escaping
  (is (= [{"aaa" "", "b\"bb" "", "ccc" ""}]
         (csv/decode "\"aaa\",\"b\"\"bb\",\"ccc\"\r\n,,"))))

(deftest dupe-keys-unsupported
  (let [csv     (str "field_name,field_name,field_name\r\n"
        [m1 m2] (csv/decode csv)]
    (is (= ["field_name"] (keys m1)))
    (is (= ["field_name"] (keys m2)))))

The property and tests straight-up mirror the original code in the book. But the implementation? LOL, I took the shortcut by using data.csv instead, as my main intention is to learn how to write property tests, not implementing a CSV parser.

(ns pbtic.birthday.csv
  (:require [ :as csv]
            [clojure.string :as str]))

(defn encode [ms]
  (let [ks    (-> ms first keys)
        vs    (map vals ms)
        out   (]
    (csv/write-csv out (conj vs ks) :newline :cr+lf)
    (.toString out)))

(defn decode [s]
  (let [[header & body] (csv/read-csv ( s))]
    (map (partial zipmap header) body)))

Records Filtering

Records filtering module/namespace filters the employees whose birthdays fall on the given date. Although properties are the new-found power, employing them for this instance might not be suitable, as property tests are probabilistic at their core. "Traditional" unit tests can explore this problem space much better. Even so, Fred suggests running an exhaustive search to cover all possible cases, using generators in property-based tests as inspiration in "generating" the cases.

(ns pbtic.birthday.bday-filter-test
  (:require [pbtic.birthday.bday-filter :as filter :refer [month-day]]
            [clojure.set :as set]
            [clojure.test :refer [deftest is]])
  (:import [java.time DateTimeException LocalDate]))

;; helpers

(defn find-birthdays-for-year [people yeardata]
  (when (seq yeardata)
    (let [[day & year]  yeardata
          found         (filter/birthday people day)]   ;; <- function being tested
      (assoc (find-birthdays-for-year people year) day found))))

(defn generate-year-data [start]
  (let [start-date  (LocalDate/of start 1 1)
        end-date    (LocalDate/of (inc start) 1 1)]
    (into [] (.. start-date (datesUntil end-date) toArray))))

(defn generate-years-data [start end]
  (mapv generate-year-data (range start (inc end))))

(defn rand-name []
  (apply str (repeatedly 30 #(rand-nth "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"))))

(defn people-for-date [date]
    (let [[month day] (month-day date)
          rand-year   (+ 1900 (rand-int 100))]
      {:name          (rand-name)
       :date-of-birth (LocalDate/of rand-year month day)})
    (catch Exception _ (people-for-date date))))

(defn people-for-year [year]
  (map people-for-date year))

(defn generate-people-for-year [n]
  (let [year-seed (generate-year-data 2016)]  ;; leap year so all days are covered
    (mapcat (fn [_] (people-for-year year-seed)) (range n))))

;; assertions

(defn every-birthday-once [people birthdays]
  (let [found       (mapcat second birthdays)
        not-found   (set/difference (set people) (set found))]
    (is (empty? not-found))
    (is (zero? (- (count found) (count (set found)))))))

(defn on-right-date [people birthdays]
  (doseq [[date found]            birthdays
          {:keys [date-of-birth]} found]
    (let [[dob-month dob-day] (month-day date-of-birth)]
        (LocalDate/of (.getYear date) dob-month dob-day)
        (is (= (month-day date)
               (month-day date-of-birth)))
        (catch DateTimeException _ true)))))

;; test

(deftest property-style-filtering
  (let [years   (generate-years-data 2018 2038)
        people  (generate-people-for-year 3)]
    (doseq [yeardata years]
      (let [birthdays (find-birthdays-for-year people yeardata)]
        (every-birthday-once people birthdays)
        (on-right-date people birthdays)))))

The differences between this and the original are:

  • generate-year-data (lines 17-20) is significantly shorter than the original, as it uses java.time.LocalDate#datesUntil method to generate the dates. The Elixir version in the book is long probably because Fred wanted to align it with the Erlang version; if he were to use Elixir's Date.range/2 function (no equivalent available in Erlang 😭), the code would be much shorter, as shown below:
defp generate_year_data(year) do
  {:ok, start_date} =, 1, 1)
  {:ok, end_date} =, 12, 31)

  Date.range(start_date, end_date)
  |> Enum.into([])
  • rand-name (lines 27-28) is a simple stand-in for Erlang's make-ref/0.
  • every-birthday-once (line 51-55) uses the set data structure to determine the set of people not found.
  • on-right-date (lines 58-66) catches invalid dates and returns true in the catch clause to signify "skipping," as Clojure does not use pattern-matching as much as Erlang/Elixir do.

The implementation of pbtic.birthday.bday-filter is as follows:

(ns pbtic.birthday.bday-filter)

(def month-day (juxt #(.getMonthValue %) #(.getDayOfMonth %)))

(defn birthday-no-leap-year-handling [people date]
  (let [md (month-day date)]
    (filter #(= (month-day (:date-of-birth %)) md) people)))

(defn  filter-dob [people month day]
  (filter #(= (month-day (:date-of-birth %)) [month day]) people))

(defn birthday [people date]
  (let [[month day] (month-day date)]
    (if (and (= [month day] [2 28]) (not (.isLeapYear date)))
      (concat (filter-dob people 2 28) (filter-dob people 2 29))
      (filter-dob people month day))))

birthday-no-leap-year-handling (lines 7-9) shows how the code looks like prior to handling of 29 Feb birthdays on non-leap year (the company shouldn't only wish them happy birthday once every four years, should they?).

Employee Module

The namespace to rule them all 💍; it brings pbtic.birthday.csv and pbtic.birthday.bday-filter together. Functions in this namespace implement business requirements that other namespace may not have already, e.g., the CSV parser in pbtic.birthday.csv.

(ns pbtic.birthday.employee-test
  (:require [clojure.string :as str]
            [clojure.test.check.clojure-test :refer [defspec]]
            [clojure.test.check.generators :as gen]
            [ :refer [for-all]]
            [pbtic.birthday.csv-test :as csv-test]
            [pbtic.birthday.employee :as employee])
  (:import [java.time LocalDate]))

;; defs

(def start-date (LocalDate/of 1900 1 1))

(def max-days (.. start-date
                  (until (LocalDate/of 2021 1 1))

;; generators

(def text-date
  (gen/let [days-to-add (gen/choose 0 max-days)]
    (let [date (.plusDays start-date days-to-add)]
      (format " %4d/%02d/%02d"
              (.getYear date)
              (.getMonthValue date)
              (.getDayOfMonth date)))))

(def whitespaced-text
  (gen/let [txt csv-test/field]
    (str " " txt)))

(def raw-employee-map
  (gen/let [val-list (gen/tuple csv-test/field
    (zipmap ["last_name", " first_name", " date_of_birth", " email"] val-list)))

;; properties

(defspec check-that-leading-space-is-fixed
  (for-all [m raw-employee-map]
    (let [emp (employee/adapt-csv-result m)]
      (every? #(not (str/starts-with? (name %) " "))
              (concat (keys emp)
                      (filter string? (vals emp)))))))

(defspec check-that-date-is-formatted-right
  (for-all [m raw-employee-map]
    (let [m (employee/adapt-csv-result m)]
      (= (type (get m :date-of-birth)) LocalDate))))

Taking Fred's advice on reworking a restriction into a transformation when creating custom generators (refer to Imposing Restrictions subsection under Basic Custom Generators in chapter 4 of the book), text-date (lines 22-28) ditches gen/such-that and goes for a transformation that adds days to a known start date (1900-01-01). Although this is not a pure code-porting, it shows how re-imagining the problem on-hand is not that all difficult.

(ns pbtic.birthday.employee
  (:require [clojure.string :as str]
            [pbtic.birthday.bday-filter :as bday-filter]
            [pbtic.birthday.csv :as csv])
  (:import [java.time LocalDate]
           [java.time.format DateTimeFormatter]))

;; defs

(def ^:private datetime-formatter (DateTimeFormatter/ofPattern "yyyy/MM/dd"))

;; public API

(defn adapt-csv-result [m]
  (let [ks  (sequence (comp (map str/triml)
                            (map #(str/replace % #"_" "-"))
                            (map keyword))
                      (keys m))
        m   (zipmap ks (map str/triml (vals m)))
        dob (:date-of-birth m)]
    (assoc m :date-of-birth (LocalDate/parse dob datetime-formatter))))

(defn from-csv [s]
  (map adapt-csv-result (csv/decode s)))

;; parameter order is different from the book's
(defn filter-birthday [date employees]
  (bday-filter/birthday employees date))

pbtic.birthday.employee namespace does not implement "accessors" because of the keyword-izing of keys at line 19 because of Clojure's idiom on using keywords to retrieve values from maps (line 22 shows one such example). The other change is the swapping of the parameters in filter-birthday (lines 31-32); this makes the function more easily usable with the ->> threading macro; Elixir |> expects collections to be the first argument, but Clojure ->> expects it to be the last). Such omission makes Clojure's implementation/port shorter.


pbtic.birthday.mail-tpl/body function creates the message for inserting into the email. It's relatively easy that could have been tested using traditional unit testing method...

(ns pbtic.birthday.mail-tpl-test
  (:require [clojure.string :as str]
            [clojure.test.check.clojure-test :refer [defspec]]
            [clojure.test.check.generators :as gen]
            [ :refer [for-all]]
            [pbtic.birthday.csv-test :as csv-test]
            [pbtic.birthday.mail-tpl :as mail-tpl])
  (:import [java.time LocalDate]))

;; generators

(def date
  (gen/let [days-to-add gen/nat]
   (.plusDays (LocalDate/of 1900 1 1) days-to-add)))

(def employee-map
  (gen/let [vs (gen/tuple (gen/not-empty csv-test/field)
                          (gen/not-empty csv-test/field)
                          (gen/not-empty csv-test/field))]
    (zipmap [:last-name :first-name :date-of-birth :email] vs)))

;; properties

(defspec email-template-has-first-name
  (for-all [employee employee-map]
    (str/includes? (mail-tpl/body employee)
                   (:first-name employee))))

The implementation is trivial:

(ns pbtic.birthday.mail-tpl)

(defn body [{:keys [first-name]}]
  (format "Happy birthday, dear %s!" first-name))

(defn full [{:keys [email] :as employee}]
  [email, "Happy birthday!", (body employee)])

Plumbing It All Together

pbtic.birthday/run function ties all these up (without any integration tests written).

(ns pbtic.birthday
  (:require [pbtic.birthday.csv :as csv]
            [pbtic.birthday.employee :as employee]
            [pbtic.birthday.mail-tpl :as mail-tpl])
  (:import [java.time LocalDate]))

;; helper

(defn- send-email [[to, _topic, _body]]
  (println "sent birthday email to" to))

;; public api

(defn run [path & {:keys [curr-date] :or {curr-date (LocalDate/now)}}]
  (doseq [employee (->> (slurp path)
                        (employee/filter-birthday curr-date))]
    (send-email (mail-tpl/full employee))))

To test it, pass the file name of the employee record CSV and optionally the "current date" (defaults to today). For example, run the following at Clojure REPL:

user=> (require '[pbtic.birthday :as bday])
user=> (import '[java.time LocalDate])
user=> (bday/run "resources/birthday/employees.csv" :curr-date (LocalDate/of 2019 8 10))
sent birthday email to


It's quite a blast in porting the code from Erlang/Elixir to Clojure. In the next post, I'll cover the code ported from chapter 6 "Properties-Driven Development."

This post Property-Based Testing: From Erlang/Elixir to Clojure first appeared first on Bit by Bit

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