The Array class is a fundamental data structure used to store and manipulate collections of objects. Arrays in Ruby are ordered, indexed collections of objects, meaning the elements are arranged in a specific order and can be accessed using their position, or index, within the array. The Array class provides a wide range of methods for adding, removing, accessing, and manipulating elements within an array.
Here's an overview of the Array class in Ruby:
Creating Arrays
You can create arrays in Ruby using literal notation or constructor methods.
Literal Notation: Enclosing comma-separated values within square brackets ([]).
my_array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
Using Constructor: Calling the constructor method and passing initial values as arguments.
my_array =, "hello")
Accessing Elements
You can access elements within an array using square brackets ([]) notation, specifying the index of the element you want to access.
my_array = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50]
puts my_array[0] # Output: 10
Array Methods
The Array class provides a variety of methods for working with arrays. Some common methods include:
Adding and Removing Elements
Push: Add elements to the end or beginning of an array.
Pop: Remove elements from the end or beginning of an array.
Accessing and Modifying Elements
[], []=: Access and modify elements at specific indices.
at, fetch: Access elements by index, with bounds checking.
slice, slice!: Extract or remove a portion of an array.
Iterating over Elements
each, map, select: Iterate over elements in the array.
each_with_index: Iterate over elements along with their indices.
cycle: Repeatedly iterate over elements in the array.
Searching and Sorting
include?, index: Check if an element exists in the array and find its index.
sort, reverse, shuffle: Sort, reverse, or shuffle the elements in the array.
min, max: Find the minimum or maximum element in the array.
Array Properties
Size: You can determine the size of an array using the size or length methods.
Empty?: Check if an array is empty using the empty? method.
Equality: Compare arrays for equality using the == operator.
Multi-dimensional Arrays
Ruby's Array class also supports multi-dimensional arrays, allowing you to create arrays of arrays.
multi_array = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]]
puts multi_array[1][2] # Output: 6
Iterating Over Multi-dimensional Arrays
You can iterate over multi-dimensional arrays using nested loops or methods like each.
multi_array.each do |row|
row.each do |element|
puts element
Using Constructor
multi_array = {, 0) }
Using Nested Loops
size = 3
multi_array = []
size.times do
inner_array = []
size.times do
inner_array << 0
multi_array << inner_array
Happy coding!
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