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17 Best Developer Productivity Tools to Try

Shani Shoham on May 10, 2024

Efficiency and productivity aren't just goals for developers—they're necessities. We craft numerous tools and script our way through daily tasks, a...
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harsh_rajput_ddbf0f0e3744 profile image
Harsh Rajput

Wow, that's awesome!"

fadli_hidayats_c9e624e0b profile image
Fadli Hidayat S

2100+ Best Tools & Products - Updated Daily! Amazing.

aloisseckar profile image
Alois Sečkár

White Postman is great feature-rich application, for many use-cases REST Client VSCode extension is all you need to test API calls - and it is directly from IDE.

hinogi profile image
Stefan Schneider

there is also Insomnia by Kong or Hoppscotch

alexk profile image
Alex Kaul • Edited

Great list. Another productivity app: Freeter. It allows to organize web apps, files & folders, urls, etc by projects and workflows and stay focused on what matters at any given moment. Free & open-source.
Here is a post on how I boosted my productivity with it:

joefiorini profile image
Joe Fiorini

A couple other great development environment tools:

devbox - I've been using this between my Mac and Linux machines. It uses a simple json file to declaratively manage the development environment for your app or your global environment.

distrobox - An abstraction to manage multiple environments running in docker containers (or any other OCR engine).

koas profile image

Great list! A couple of tools I'd add to the debugging section:

  • Bruno: simple, easy to use API client.
  • Bcons: a port of the browser Console API for PHP.
allenz_1011 profile image

Thanks, it's cool. I recommend two productivity tools.
Focus on work in IDE :leiga
Automatically generate PRD tool : docuopia

In discussing favorite productivity tools, I'd like to share two platforms that play crucial roles in my daily workflow: leiga and docuopia .

Leiga is an exceptional AI-powered smart assistant designed to enhance productivity and management capabilities by leveraging AI technology. Its intuitive interface allows seamless integration of AI capabilities with a range of productivity tools. Leiga manages your emails, messages, and tasks intelligently, reminds you of important events, and provides personalized recommendations and assistance.

Docuopia is another noteworthy tool—an AI-based collaboration platform dedicated to boosting efficiency by improving team communication and collaboration. It offers various features such as document management, project tracking, team discussions, and intelligent task assignments. These features facilitate more efficient teamwork among members.

mrpatrickwright profile image
Patrick Wright

Code generators like can also be a great addition to your productivity tool chest. I find that having a CRUD API created for a database by a code generator allows me to quickly get a project up and running allowing me to focus on adding business value instead of writing boiler plate code

garbanea profile image
Dovile Miseviciute

Great list. Here is some additional info on the engineering productivity metrics to track. It may be helpful when determining which tool to choose.

rcrd profile image
Ricardo Gouveia

How to get these free tier github copilot plan? I did some searching and found out that it is only free for students or frequent contributors to open source public projects. Is there a way to get a free tier (not free trial) for a independent developer usage?
(prices for a sign up are charged in US $ which has quite expensive conversion rates depending on where you're from, like in my case...)

kavinda1995 profile image
Kavinda Jayakody

For anyone who likes to streamline their API development. Have a look at XAPI. This Platform streamlines your API Development from design to release - and it have a good API designing tool that supports OpenAPI spec and AsyncSpec (Oncoming)

c9hp profile image

I used five reactions to support more.

iamlucky profile image
Lakhan Jindam

I would highly recommend warp as your terminal replacement. It has so many cool(actually helpful) features.

mateusarcedev profile image
Mateus Arce • Edited


A hub of tools for programmers

Coming soon in English...

wojciechxtx profile image

Using none of them; doing all this by myself; my way, exactly the way I want. Not some shitty/shady company wants me to. Screw them.

mexikode profile image
MexiKode ⚙

all good and all, but we always end up with an excel sheet lol

karinababcock profile image
Karina Babcock

There's also a new category of tools that are starting to surface that automatically troubleshoot and in some cases remediate issues, for example

milkymaru profile image

Copilot is awesome, but it's a bummer that it's not free 😭 I'm now switching to other AI coding tools like MarsCode and Codeium. They're pretty neat to use and the best part is they're free🥹

martinbaun profile image
Martin Baun

What of productivity assessment? We use videofeedbackr

cheikhnouha profile image

So good

esterzane profile image
Zane Estere Gruntmane


cuzzn187 profile image
Robb D

AppMap sounds interesting... And so does Copilot. Anyone have any experience with these to share? Anyone use them professionally?

chris51lee profile image
chris lee

Is there a recommendation on testing tools ?

kpsampat profile image

Super cool

joshikyou profile image
Joshua Mel

Thank you! Also commenting to return post when someone engages with it

caiohenriqueuss profile image
Caio Henrique Silva Souza

Thanks for sharing this special article.