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Shreyansh Singh
Shreyansh Singh

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How to install python in window and print “Hello World”

How to install python in window and print “Hello World”

Now, we'll download and install Python as well as an IDE called PyCharm. First of all, let's head to Python's official website and download Python:

  • Go to this link - Python page
  • From the above link, download the latest version of Python.
  • After visiting this link, click on the "Download Python" button.
  • Your download will start as soon as you click the button. page

After download is complete, open the downloaded file
1 It will ask that you want to make changes to your pc.
Then click “Yes”.

2 Then follow the following steps
a) Check on box to add Path and select customized as shown
First page

b) See all boxes are checked and click on “Next”
Second Page

c) Check the boxes and browse the location where you want to save the python or leave the default path as it is .
Then click on install and wait for completion.
Third Page

d) After completion you will be shown this window
Last page of completion

e) Open Command Prompt and wrte python then “Enter”
You will be shown latest version of python
Then write exit() and click “Enter”.
Also write pip and check no error comes .
Command Prompt

Note: If you are getting this or similar error - "The term 'pip' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, or operable program," watch this video here - help-url
Then Install Pycharm like any other software and do not make any changes while installing it.

Nice! You can run the installer and install Python. Now, let's download the Pycharm IDE. But what is Pycharm, and why do we need it?

Pycharm is one of the best Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) for Python Language developed by the Czech company JetBrains. To download Pycharm, follow the steps below:

  • Go to this link - PyCharm link.
  • After visiting the above link, download the community version of Pycharm.
  • Click on the community button to download it.
  • Your download will start.

PyCharm official page

Now , Open the downloaded PyCharm file and it will ask for permission , press "Yes"
Now, the following page will open
Click to “Next”

First page

Click on “Next”, ”Next” as follows :

Second page

Third page

Fourth page

Now the installation will begin , wait till it finish . It will take little time.

Installing process is on

Check on Run PyCharm box and click “Finish”
Last page of installation

Check on “Do not import settings” and click “OK”

Click ok

Click on New Project :

Click on new project

It is important step , change the check box from “New environment using..” to “Previously configured interpreter” . And click on three dot in last .

Check on Previously configured interpreter

Select “System Interpreter “ and confirm Interpreter path consist of python.exe. “python.exe “will be in python folder you installed during python installation.
Then Click on “OK”
Click on three dot

Now , it will look like following .
Click on “Create”.

Click on create

Now , the following page will open .
PyCharm IDE will open

Check on following box and close .
Close the box

Press right click on pythonProject --> New --> File--> then “Enter”.
Create new python file

Name the New file and add “.py” in last as follow :
Add .py

Now, write print(“Hello World”) in file as follow.
Print Hello World

Press right click and click on “Run” as shown
Click on Run

Yeappp , We completed our first program in Python .

Finishing the task

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