Predictable state container
- Redux is a predictable state container for JavaScript apps
- Helps you write apps that behaves consistently, run in different environments, and are easy to test.
- Offers live code editing combined with a time traveling debugger.
- Can be use with React, angular , or any other view library.
- Redux is tiny(roughly 2kb), but has a large ecosystem of addons available.
Central store
- With Redux, application state is kept in a store, from which any component can access any state it needs
- State is kept in a single place, improving predictability and traceability
- In React, for example, state has to live in the parent component to share data among siblings
- And so, sharing state between components that are far away from each other is hard state will have to be lifted until a common ancestor is found
- Redux solves this issue by providing a central store holding the entire application state
Features of Redux
- Predictable - Redux helps you write apps that behave consistently
- Centralized application state and logic enables powerful capabilities, such as undo/redo, state persistence, etc.
- Debuggable - Redux DevTools make it easy to trace state, changes
- Time-travel debugging is also possible
- Flexible - Redux works with any UI layer
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