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Cover image for Fotizo - Edit your image with ease.
Shweta Kale
Shweta Kale

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Fotizo - Edit your image with ease.

This is a submission for the The AWS Amplify Fullstack TypeScript Challenge

What I Built

I build Fotizo, image editor app using React and AWS Amplify. With fotizo currently you can apply blur, saturation, contrast, brightness, and grayscale to your image but the possibilities are endless. I am working on it and after this challenge I will add more edits and customization options to build this editor something similar to canva's photo editor.

Demo and Code

You can access the editor here:

and the code for this is available in my github repo:

Image description

Image description


I integrated following AWS amplify technologies:

  1. Authentication: To access all the pages apart from landing page, user needs to be authenticated.
  2. file storage: The files user upload are stored in S3. And then I apply different filters and process on it. This allows user to share their images with others.
  3. Data: I am storing the image edit details in the data so that user can come back and continue editing whenever he wants.

Apart from this I used UI components from '@aws-amplify/ui-react' to build all the pages in my app so my submission also qualifies for connected components.

Connected Components and/or Feature Full

Thank you for reading this, I know there's lot to improve in this project but I was tight on my schedule due to office work, still I am glad that I was able to submit partially baked project instead of not submitting at all.

<!-- Thanks for participating! β†’

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