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3 Basic JavaScript Concepts That Are Important.

Learning javascript is weird. I want to share 3 things that I learnt today in javascript.


Hoisting is a mechanism where variable or function declarations are moved to the top of their scope before they're executed. That means, if we do this:

var greeter = "say Hello!";
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It'll be interpreted as this:

var greeter;
console.log(greeter); //undefined
greeter = "say Hello!";
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null vs undefined

null is a value, just like 2, 3.5 or true. Setting a variable to null means that you have declared a variable and decided to give the value - nothing, to it.
undefined on the other hand, means you have declared a variable but not given it any value yet.

Interestingly, null loosely equalizes to undefined but there are a few gotchas!

console.log(null == undefined); //true
console.log(null === undefined); //false
console.log(null >= 0); //true
console.log(null <= 0); //true
console.log(undefined <= 0); //false
console.log(undefined >= 0); //false
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== vs ===

This is a simple one. == means loose equality. It's used when you want to know if two values are equal if they'd have same type. For example:

console.log(0 == false); //true
console.log(1 == 1.0); //true
console.log(1 == '1'); //true
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=== however, checks for strict equality. It means, it'll only return true IF the two values are absolutely same. For example:

console.log(0 === false); //false
console.log(1 === 1.0); //true, it's a bad idea to compare floats anyway.
console.log(1 === '1'); //false
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That's all folks!

Top comments (2)

anirudh711 profile image
Anirudh Madhavan

Hoisting can be done only on variables defined using 'var' and function definitions excluding function expressions. In the above two cases , variables are partially hoisted (undefined) and functions are fully hoisted.

sigmapie8 profile image

Ah. Thanks for that new information!