Uptrace is a free and open source APM tool that provides distributed tracing, metrics, and logs. It may be used to monitor apps and set up automated alerts to get notifications by email, Slack, Telegram, and other channels.
Uptrace collects data via OpenTelelemetry and stores it in the ClickHouse database. Uptrace additionally necessitates the use of a PostgreSQL database in order to maintain metadata such as metric names and warnings.
To execute the backend with a single command, install the Uptrace binary or use the Docker example.
After initiating Uptrace, you will be given a data source name (DSN) that provides Uptrace connection information.
The data may then be exported from Collector to Uptrace using the OTLP exporter and the DSN in headers:
endpoint: localhost:14317
tls: { insecure: true }
headers: { 'uptrace-dsn': 'http://project1_secret_token@localhost:14317/1' }
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