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Git things: Renaming your working branch

I drafted this post years ago and never hit "Publish". :)

As a developer, I have been working with various proprietary tools for most of my professional life. Recently, I started working on some personal projects where I needed to use Git, an open-source tool for version control. I have to admit, I made silly mistakes while navigating Git at first. But, with some practice and research, I have learned how to use it effectively.

Something I struggled with initially was renaming a working branch in Git. It's a common task that developers need to do quite often, but I found it challenging initially. After some research and experimentation, I have come up with a goto-guide.

Here is my step-by-step guide to rename a working branch in Git on both local and remote setups:

Renaming a branch locally

First, navigate to the local branch that you want to rename using the command:

git checkout <branch-name>
Then, rename the branch using the command:

git branch -m <new-branch-name>
This will rename the current branch to the new branch name.

Pushing renamed branch to remote

After renaming the branch locally, push the changes to the remote repository using the command:

git push origin -u <new-branch-name>
This will push the renamed branch to the remote repository.

Deleting old branch on remote

If you want to delete the old branch from the remote repository, use the command:

git push origin --delete <old-branch-name>
This will delete the old branch from the remote repository.

How do I manage branch renaming with my team members or other contributors?

Here are some things that have really helped me navigate conflicts during branch naming:

  • Communicate with your team about the branch renaming and coordinate with members who have branches based on the original branch.
  • Merge or rebase changes from affected branches onto the renamed branch. To merge changes from an affected branch onto the renamed branch run git merge <affected-branch> To rebase the changes from an affected branch onto the renamed branch, you can run: git rebase <renamed-branch>
  • Talk through situations where you need a rebase or a merge with your team.
  • Update remote branches and repositories by running git push -u origin <renamed-branch> Ask your team to update changes to their local repositories. Once all this gets done, consider removing the old branch to keep this clean.

That's it! You have successfully renamed a working branch in Git on both local and remote setups.

Happy coding!

Top comments (3)

kalkwst profile image
Kostas Kalafatis

Hey, congrats on finally hitting that publish button! I checked out your article and I must say, it's pretty darn useful. But, I couldn't help but notice a couple of things missing.

First off, renaming a branch in Git can sometimes cause a bit of trouble, especially if your teammates have already created their own branches based on the original one. It can lead to conflicts and confusion down the road. It'd be awesome if you could share some tips on how to handle this situation and keep things smooth and hassle-free.

Another thing to keep in mind is that when you rename a branch, it might mess with any references to it in your code or in your continuous integration (CI) pipelines. So, it's worth mentioning that you might need to update any scripts or configurations that rely on the branch name. A little heads-up on this potential impact and some suggestions to mitigate it would be a nice addition.

Your article rocks and your step-by-step guide is super easy to follow. Just thought these points could make it even more awesome and cover all the bases. Thanks for sharing your knowledge, and keep up the fantastic work!

simhskal profile image

Great question and thank you for your feedback :)

First off, renaming a branch in Git can sometimes cause a bit of trouble, especially if your teammates have already created their own branches based on the original one. It can lead to conflicts and confusion down the road. It'd be awesome if you could share some tips on how to handle this situation and keep things smooth and hassle-free.

Here are some things that have really helped me navigate conflicts during branch naming:

  • Communicate with your team about the branch renaming and coordinate with members who have branches based on the original branch.
  • Merge or rebase changes from affected branches onto the renamed branch.To merge changes from an affected branch onto the renamed branch run git merge <affected-branch>. To rebase the changes from an affected branch onto the renamed branch, you can run:git rebase <renamed-branch>. Talk through situations where you need a rebase or a merge with your team.
  • Update remote branches and repositories by running git push -u origin <renamed-branch> and ask your team to update changes to their local repositories. Once all this gets done, consider removing the old branch to keep this clean.

I'll edit the post to include these instructions too.

joshjgomes profile image
