HTML is the cornerstone of web development. Yet, many aspiring programmers merely skim the surface and move on to CSS, JS, etc, missing its entire ...
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Thanks for writing!
Extending #3: You could also use
document.designMode = "on"
to make all content editable which really helps while prototyping your html page.I've created a bookmark to toggle designMode :
I realy often use it!
can i ask what is designMode ?
Thanks lol
Thanks for the tip Rohan!
Wow! Had no idea, cool tip!
arre bro mujhe kuch baat karne ka hain ..kidhar baat kare???
hey bro can we talk ???
Over the 2 to 3 years of coding and programming, I completely forgot the power HTML gave me alone. Today it's easy to add css and js to a website, but before I even knew of frameworks and responsive design, HTML helped me get 89% for my Practical Assignments in our school's computer class. So go out and learn more of HTML, it's really not that boring.
True. You can do a lot with HTMl only.
Yes, can do a lot except hacking NASA.
Just kidding 😁
without datacommunication and Networking how can ur mid associate with NASA🤣🤣🤣just kidding
Hey, we have Inspector. It's enough 😎
This was useful!
Glad you liked it, Miguel!
Thanks for sharing!
In case you want to use it within your application, check if it's supported by your target browsers by going into caniuse.com/ and just typing the attribute. For example,
is not supported by most browsers.Thanks Oscar! Nice tip, always good to check caniuse. Accept is supported by the major browsers (ie, edge, chrome, firefox, safari) :)
Thanks for this helpful tips
My pleasure :)
I've been working with web development for a solid 5 years and I've never heard of some of those. 3, 5 and 7 would've saved me quite some time. Thanks a lot for this!
Nice to hear it helps, Renan ;)
great one
Thanks, Kamal! Appreciate the feedback ;
Wow.. thank you. This is cool!
attribute of an<a/>
element is very useful!It's one of my favorites!
Some people say that HTML is not programming, but they don't know the depth of it. They only know the tip of the iceberg. HTML attributes are so deep and interesting, and HTML elements are as well.
Exactly! Getting to know the basics well is really helpful :)
Thats great. Useful article. Thanks for sharing..!!!!
The tiny little gems of HTML. 😌👍🏼
Thanks, szened ;)
Ohh i have learnt something new today !!
time to use poster and accept :)
Thanks for the hidden gem! Especially loved #1 and #3!
Thanks for share dude!
Wow. God bless you.
Glad you liked it, Mwangi.
Great post!!, HTML has many things that mostly people ignore at all.
These are really great tips! Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for the feedback, Marcelo! It means a lot :)
Thanks for telling , i didn't know any of them ...
I'm glas it helped!
parabeńs.... excelente artigo. congratulations, excelent article.
Valeu pela força, Jeferson!
Thanks :)
Useful! Thank you ;)
Nice article. Thanks for sharing.
Awesome 😎
Thank you so much for sharing!
wow and i thought that html is a basic language but there's still a lot of things i dont't know about
Hey,thanks for sharing this information. These are the most important things that every front end developer should know .
learned: translate
Thanks lol, saty blessed
Great post! Well done 🙌
Thank you, Bobby!
Wow! Thank you, you helped me a lot
Glad to hear that, Victor :)
This information was really great thanks :)
Good Writing!
Realmente muy útil! 👍
Great set of attributes, very usefull
Awesome. Thanks for Posting.
this is really useful, thanks for sharing
Thanks, Patrick.
Good work!
Thanks, Aya :)
Thanks for your info 👍
Great list
I love this. Thanks for sharing!
Best Coding Language I every Saw how to make a guy miss you
Download me :)
Does it really work?
HOLA saludos desde México. Amo HTML y encuentro útil tu publicación gracias por tu aportación.
Thanks for tips.
Thanks for sharing, this is very usefull.
This is a good one, Hats Off
Well, I didn't know about spellcheck and poster. Thanks for the info
thanks for great post..
Thanks for sharing his amazing knowledge
Thanks. I like it :)
Nice write-up. I haven't used any of them before. I hope to get projects that'll need them.