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Packaging python using Poetry on Google Cloud

Intended workflow

  • Create/edit code
  • Write tests
  • Commit changes
  • Cloud build trigger (automated testing step)

Preferred way of creating packages

  • Step 1: Create docker image with poetry and the app code. Look at the sample dockerfile in the repo
FROM python:3.7-alpine3.7


RUN pip install poetry

COPY . /app

RUN poetry config settings.virtualenvs.create false && \
    poetry install -v --no-interaction --no-ansi

RUN python -m poetry_tutorial
  • You can push this image to Google Container Registry for futher use. But in this example, we don't need to. We will only use this image for creating the package
  • Step 2: Use this created image to create the package. All this does is to run poetry build inside the container in the working directory. Look at Dockerfile WORKDIR. This creates two files, tar.gz and whl files in the dist directory
  • We can upload these files directly to Cloud Storage bucket for distribution. Look at the artifacts section in the build file.
    - name: 'docker'
      args: ["build", "-t", "<PROJECT_ID>/poetry_tutorial_builder:latest", "."] #step1
    - name: '<PROJECT_ID>/poetry_tutorial_builder:latest'
      args: ['poetry', 'build'] #step2
      # images: ['<PROJECT_ID>/poetry_tutorial_builder:latest']
        location: 'gs://your-bucket/python_packages/'
        paths: ['dist/*']
  • Create an additional step (step 2) that only builds when all the tests have passed like this
    - name: '<PROJECT_ID>/poetry_tutorial_builder:latest'
      args: ['poetry', 'run', 'pytest','tests/'] #testing before building

For deploying python app in a Kubernetes cluster

  • Add an extra step at the end of cloud build file
    - name: ''
      - run
      - --filename=gke_deployment.yaml
      - --location=<region>
      - --cluster=<cluster-name>

Publishing to Private PyPI

  • Create a private PyPI hosted on Google App Engine using this
  • In the build step, add several commands that should run in the same container (or use a bash script). This is required for using Poetry to upload your built package to private PyPI
    poetry config settings.virtualenvs.create false
    poetry config repositories.gcp https://<PROJECT_ID>
    poetry config http-basic.gcp <USERNAME> <PASSWORD>
    poetry publish -r gcp --build
  • Put this in bash file and run this as an extra step, to publish to PyPI instead of Kubernetes deployment
    - name: '' #publish step
      args: ['sh', '']
  • Username, password of your PyPI should be setup accordingly. Refer to this link. Remember to use sha1 hashed password here


  • If you setup Cloud build trigger on commit, make sure to always run poetry version to bump the version up. Otherwise, private PyPI does not accept same version package twice.

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