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Completed my coding bootcamp..

It has been a little more than a month since my coding bootcamp journey has come to a close. I was highly motivated for a month post-bootcamp to seek out jobs, update resumes, and really see what this time commitment added up to. Reflecting back on my time spent after the bootcamp, I know I could have worked a lot harder and added more projects, practiced more algorithms, and apply for more jobs. I just ended up shutting down, filling up my time slots with more odd jobs to get me through my rent and necessities, and all the coding I have done has slowly become a silhouette in some crevice at the back of my mind.

I have let a lot of the doubt that was creeping throughout my bootcamp experience completely overtake me, and felt like I need to branch out to a "safer" route in order to justify my actions when it came to digital literacy.

I really want to end this post with a bit less of the "oh-woe-is-me" vibe, but am unsure on how to get out of this rut.

As of today, I have today to really structure my hour to hour, and work on being much more intentional on whatever task I have allotted time to.

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