DEV Community

Matthieu Petiteau
Matthieu Petiteau

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shhh-cli, a Go CLI client to interact with Shhh from the terminal

Not that long ago I shared a post about Shhh, a web-app I wrote to share encrypted secrets using secured links with passphrase and expiration dates, avoiding spreading sensitive data like passwords across time in emails.

I encourage people to host their own instance of Shhh, so they make sure their data is even more secure.

Python is my go-to language for development, but I always wanted to deep dive into Go. From my point of view, to learn a new language there is nothing better than learning while developing something useful.

So as my first Go program I've decided to write a CLI client for Shhh, allowing users to create and read secrets directly from their terminal. Handy :)

The source code is available here:

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