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Sneha Maurya
Sneha Maurya

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My one-year work experience as a full-stack developer


Konnichiwa!! This week on 5 of August 2021 I have completed my one year of working experience as a full-stack software developer in a top fortune one company. The experience was a roller-coaster which I would like to share with you all. So before getting a full-time offer from Walmart I had got a winter internship offer for 6 months in my final B.Tech 4th year.

A little background on me, I have completed my Bachelors in Information Technology. So coming back to my work experience, Yeah as I was saying I got cooperate experience as an intern and it was wonderful. Luckily I worked from the office for 2 months before the Covid outbreak. This leads to my full time at Walmart. I loved the working environment, collaboration, and cooperation of the teammates. I learn a lot from my seniors, one of the things was “Debugging”. Initially, when I get to encounter bugs or errors which I’m not able to figure out by myself, my mentors taught me to do debugging. That time I was doing console.log() for debugging. Well, I still do. When I was an intern I had no other responsibility like taking care of the development pipeline(CI/CD). I just had to learn from doing my project which was a full-stack web app in MEAN Stack.

Now as a full-time associate I got to learn about CI/CD which explains to me the complete process of development. I got to learn Scrums, which is used by most of the company for estimating their time and efficiency on any product/project. Currently, I’m having work from home experience, but soon I want to go back to the office and play some ping pong or foosball.

It is not necessary for you will build something from scratch in your work. You may have to work on adding a feature to the existing application /product. Recently I’m working on an existing project which requires understanding the domain, other’s code, and logic, which teaches a lot. One of them is always to write clean code, your code is not for you to understand it’s for others. Yes, you heard right It’s for others to understand and add new codes or components if needed.

I got a chance to be a mentor to one intern in my team. Being in the shoe of a mentor was not easy for me. I have to know what my mentee is doing, guiding her. I made sure she will learn from me as I had learned from my mentor. When I was a mentee I learned first to google the error on Stack overflow and then run to your mentor, by googling the error you will find more than one solution which helps you to learn about that specific error, and then you are to solve it in future occurrences.

Well, these are the few experiences I have shared for now from a bundle, with that said Mata ne!

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