So, you've got a pretty deep hierarchy, or maybe want to have a better debugging experience without seeing all the noise created by your recursive function on the call stack. You decide to convert it (such as one below) to using an explicit stack.
interface TreeNode {
name: string;
children: TreeNode[];
function walkTreeRecursive(node: TreeNode): void {
console.log("begin",; // Pre-order
for (const child of node.children) {
console.log("yield",; // In-order
console.log("end",; // Post-order
Let's start with the naive approach, the one you've already thought of, or are likely to see on stackoverflow. The obvious downside of it is that we can't run any in-order or post-order code. For example, we can no longer increment the index of the next child element and fetch it from the array on demand. Instead, we have to queue them all at once.
function walkTreePreNaive(rootNode: TreeNode): void {
const stack: TreeNode[] = [rootNode];
while (stack.length > 0) {
const node = stack.pop()!;
console.log("begin",; // Pre-order
// NAIVE adds all children at once,
// therefore uses more memory than the recursive approach.
// Siblings from parent/current levels will sit on the stack
// and wait their turn for quite a while.
for (const child of node.children.reverse()) {
If we started using a stack to mimic the function call stack, we should also know about stack frames. There, local variables can be saved before switching to process any child. By introducing an index variable, we will regain all the missing functionality.
class StackFrame {
public node: TreeNode,
public childIndex: number = 0,
) {}
function walkTreeWithIndex(rootNode: TreeNode): void {
const stack: StackFrame[] = [new StackFrame(rootNode)];
while (stack.length > 0) {
const frame = stack.pop()!;
const { node } = frame;
if (frame.childIndex === 0) {
console.log("begin",; // Pre-order
} else {
console.log("yield",; // In-order
if (frame.childIndex < node.children.length) {
// add self for in-order
frame.childIndex += 1;
// add child for pre-order
stack.push(new StackFrame(node.children[frame.childIndex - 1]));
} else {
console.log("end",; // Post-order
That's it. It's more complicated, and less readable than using recursion, but it gets the job done.
Bonus: aggregate/reduce/transform
What if a recursive function needs a return value for the result of the aggregation? No problem, just add another "local variable" to the stack-frame and a place to store the return type so the caller can access it.
class StackFrame {
public node: TreeNode,
public childIndex: number = 0,
+ public total: number = 0,
) {}
function transformTreeStack(rootNode: TreeNode): void {
const stack: StackFrame[] = [new StackFrame(rootNode)];
+ let retValue!: number;
while (stack.length > 0) {
const frame = stack.pop()!;
const { node } = frame;
if (frame.childIndex === 0) {
console.log("begin",; // Pre-order
} else {
+ += retValue;
if (frame.childIndex < node.children.length) {
// add self for in-order
frame.childIndex += 1;
// add child for pre-order
stack.push(new StackFrame(node.children[frame.childIndex - 1]));
} else {
+ retValue = +;
+ console.log("total", retValue);
Once the loop exits, you'll have a final aggregation done by the root node, which is stored in retValue
as well.
Top comments (1)
If someone is unfamiliar with the technique you're introducing, they will likely have a difficult time following how the code you're presenting contributes to the solution. It would be good to include explanations of your sample code.