- Link to YouTube tutorial: https://youtu.be/LFRYYIoiIZg
- Blog Example: https://nextjs-notion-blog-chi.vercel.app/
Notion has been a game changer when it comes to my personal life. It allows me to manage everything from documenting goals, to journaling my thoughts. Because of this, I figured I’d use Notion to power my personal blog over a tool like WordPress for the convenience of not having to ever leave Notion. In this tutorial, I will demonstrate how you can use the NotionAPI in conjunction with NextJS & TailwindCSS to power your blog.
Setup Notion
Make sure you have a Notion account, note you can use their free tier for this tutorial.
Create a Notion Integration
Go to https://www.notion.so/my-integrations and create a new internal integration
Create a Notion Database Page
You can duplicate the template here.
Grant Integration access to Blog
Click the share button and give your integration access.
Create Project
Create NextJS Application
$ npx create-next-app mysite --typescript
Install TailwindCSS
npm install -D tailwindcss postcss autoprefixer @tailwindcss/typography
npx tailwindcss init -p
Setup Project
Edit Tailwind Config
Go to your tailwind.config.js
file and add the following:
module.exports = {
content: [
theme: {
extend: {},
fontFamily: {
sans: ["'Montserrat'"],
mono: ["'Inconsolata'"]
plugins: [
Add Tailwind CSS to Global.css file
@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;
Add Document.tsx
In order to make use of our custom fonts, we need to create a new file called pages/_document.tsx
with the following information
import Document, {Html, Head, Main, NextScript, DocumentContext} from 'next/document'
class MyDocument extends Document {
static async getInitialProps(ctx: DocumentContext) {
const initialProps = await Document.getInitialProps(ctx)
return {...initialProps}
render() {
return (
<link rel="preconnect" href="https://fonts.googleapis.com"/>
<link rel="preconnect" href="https://fonts.gstatic.com" crossOrigin={'true'}/>
export default MyDocument
Add .env file
Create a new file called .env.local
with the following info:
we can go to our integrate and copy the secret key
we can copy the uuid within the url
Add Types File
Create a new file called @types/schema.d.ts
and add the following:
export type Tag = {
color: string
id: string
name: string
export type BlogPost = {
id: string;
slug: string;
cover: string;
title: string;
tags: Tag[];
description: string;
date: string
Build the project
Install Notion Client & Markdown
We need to install the Notion Javascript client in order to get the blog data and a couple other packages for display purposes
npm install @notionhq/client notion-to-md react-markdown
Create Custom Notion Service
import {Client} from "@notionhq/client";
import {BlogPost, PostPage} from "../@types/schema";
import {NotionToMarkdown} from "notion-to-md";
export default class NotionService {
client: Client
n2m: NotionToMarkdown;
constructor() {
this.client = new Client({ auth: process.env.NOTION_ACCESS_TOKEN });
this.n2m = new NotionToMarkdown({ notionClient: this.client });
async getPublishedBlogPosts(): Promise<BlogPost[]> {
const database = process.env.NOTION_BLOG_DATABASE_ID ?? '';
// list blog posts
const response = await this.client.databases.query({
database_id: database,
filter: {
property: 'Published',
checkbox: {
equals: true
sorts: [
property: 'Updated',
direction: 'descending'
return response.results.map(res => {
return NotionService.pageToPostTransformer(res);
async getSingleBlogPost(slug: string): Promise<PostPage> {
let post, markdown
const database = process.env.NOTION_BLOG_DATABASE_ID ?? '';
// list of blog posts
const response = await this.client.databases.query({
database_id: database,
filter: {
property: 'Slug',
formula: {
text: {
equals: slug // slug
// add option for tags in the future
sorts: [
property: 'Updated',
direction: 'descending'
if (!response.results[0]) {
throw 'No results available'
// grab page from notion
const page = response.results[0];
const mdBlocks = await this.n2m.pageToMarkdown(page.id)
markdown = this.n2m.toMarkdownString(mdBlocks);
post = NotionService.pageToPostTransformer(page);
return {
private static pageToPostTransformer(page: any): BlogPost {
let cover = page.cover;
switch (cover) {
case 'file':
cover = page.cover.file
case 'external':
cover = page.cover.external.url;
// Add default cover image if you want...
cover = ''
return {
id: page.id,
cover: cover,
title: page.properties.Name.title[0].plain_text,
tags: page.properties.Tags.multi_select,
description: page.properties.Description.rich_text[0].plain_text,
date: page.properties.Updated.last_edited_time,
slug: page.properties.Slug.formula.string
Edit Index file
First we want to make use of the staticProps
method like so:
import {GetStaticProps, InferGetStaticPropsType} from "next";
import Head from "next/head";
import {BlogPost} from "../@types/schema";
import NotionService from "../services/notion-service";
export const getStaticProps: GetStaticProps = async (context) => {
const notionService = new NotionService();
const posts = await notionService.getPublishedBlogPosts()
return {
props: {
const Home = ({posts}: InferGetStaticPropsType<typeof getStaticProps>) => {
const title = 'Test Blog';
const description = 'Welcome to my Notion Blog.'
return (
<meta name={"description"} title={"description"} content={description}/>
<meta name={"og:title"} title={"og:title"} content={title}/>
<meta name={"og:description"} title={"og:description"} content={title}/>
<div className="min-h-screen">
<main className="max-w-5xl mx-auto relative">
<div className="h-full pt-4 pb-16 px-4 md:px-0 mx-auto">
<div className="flex items-center justify-center">
<h1 className="font-extrabold text-xl md:text-4xl text-black text-center">Notion + NextJS Sample Blog</h1>
<div className="mt-12 max-w-lg mx-auto grid gap-5 lg:grid-cols-2 lg:max-w-none">
{posts.map((post: BlogPost) => (
<p key={post.id}>Blog Post Component Here: {post.title}</p>
export default Home;
Blog Card Component
Next, we want to create a component for a Blog card
First install dayjs for morphing dates
$ npm install dayjs
the create a file components/BlogCard.tsx
import {FunctionComponent} from "react";
import Link from "next/link";
import {BlogPost} from "../@types/schema";
import dayjs from 'dayjs'
type BlogCardProps = {
post: BlogPost
const localizedFormat = require('dayjs/plugin/localizedFormat');
const BlogCard: FunctionComponent<BlogCardProps> = ({post}) => {
return (
<Link href={`/post/${post.slug}`}>
<a className="transition duration-300 hover:scale-105">
<div key={post.title} className="flex flex-col rounded-xl shadow-lg overflow-hidden">
<div className="flex-shrink-0">
<img className="h-64 w-full object-fit" src={post.cover} alt="" />
<div className="flex-1 bg-gray-50 pt-2 pb-6 px-4 flex flex-col justify-between">
<div className="flex-1">
<span className="block mt-2">
<h4 className="text-xs font-medium text-gray-600">{dayjs(post.date).format('LL')}</h4>
<span className="block mt-2">
<h3 className="text-xl font-semibold text-gray-900">{post.title}</h3>
<span className="block mt-2">
<p className="text-sm text-gray-600">{post.description}</p>
<span className="block mt-2 space-x-4">
post.tags.map(tag => (
<span key={tag.id} className='bg-green-300 text-green-800 px-2 py-1 text-xs rounded-lg'>
export default BlogCard;
Then replace
<p>Blog Post Component Here: {post.title}</p>
import BlogCard from "../components/BlogCard";
<BlogCard key={post.id} post={post}/>
in the index file.
Create Post File
Next, we want to create the page for displaying single blog posts, by making a file called post/[slug].tsx
where we will make us of dynamic parameters.
💡 We will be making use of both getStaticPaths
and getStaticProps
which means you will have to redeploy your site whenever you make a change in Notion since we are generating static paths.
import {GetStaticProps, InferGetStaticPropsType} from "next";
import ReactMarkdown from "react-markdown";
import Head from "next/head";
import NotionService from "../../services/notion-service";
const Post = ({markdown, post}: InferGetStaticPropsType<typeof getStaticProps>) => {
return (
<meta name={"description"} title={"description"} content={post.description}/>
<meta name={"og:title"} title={"og:title"} content={post.title}/>
<meta name={"og:description"} title={"og:description"} content={post.description}/>
<meta name={"og:image"} title={"og:image"} content={post.cover}/>
<div className="min-h-screen">
<main className="max-w-5xl mx-auto relative">
<div className="flex items-center justify-center">
<article className="prose">
export const getStaticProps: GetStaticProps = async (context) => {
const notionService = new NotionService()
// @ts-ignore
const p = await notionService.getSingleBlogPost(context.params?.slug)
if (!p) {
throw ''
return {
props: {
markdown: p.markdown,
post: p.post
export async function getStaticPaths() {
const notionService = new NotionService()
const posts = await notionService.getPublishedBlogPosts()
// Because we are generating static paths, you will have to redeploy your site whenever
// you make a change in Notion.
const paths = posts.map(post => {
return `/post/${post.slug}`
return {
fallback: false,
export default Post;
In conclusion, Notion is powerful tool that you can use for replacing your CMS applications. If you found this tutorial useful, considering subscribing to my YouTube channel where I record
programming content on the regular or follow me on Twitter.
Top comments (3)
Hi there i love this thread.
btw - a new tool is here.
AFFiNE is the Next-Gen Knowledge Base to Replace Notion & Miro. Open-source, privacy-first, and always free. Built with Typescript/React/Rust
Hi! The notion page doesn't have permissions to be accessed. :(

fixed !