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Is "developers' world" really that cool?

Imagine 15 years back, when we heard about softwares or system hacking. Like me, many of you might have thought "WOW!!!". It seemed like very cool thing and fun to control all systems and servers. But is it really so?

When movies show hackers helping cops to find way in the complex servers-net, script-writers forget showing a software team involved in creating that hacking tool. Or similarly when they show a future robot working every possible work for humans, they forget showing the team-discussions in naming every function involved in such roboCode. Or is it writers decide not to show even glimpse of teams developing software, as whole software development is very complex task?

What goes into developing a software is not just few lines of code, but actually sweat of people who are like warriors in a battlefield, juggling between product-owners and organisational-hierarchy.

This article is not to point all problems faced by developers and scaring newbies, but actually to let you know that software development is more of an art which takes shape slowly. And it comes best when developers choose their own tools and work with relaxed mind.

Thankfully, time is changing and faster developments happening in codeWorld itself. Developers are also choosing alternative ways to show their art. Ways like freelancing, open-source-creation/contribution and startups, are to name a few.

Joining community events and conferences are best ways to know what is happening in devWorld and how to turn yourself into a great artist!!

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