
Cover image for Tailwind CSS: My experience in 2022

Tailwind CSS: My experience in 2022

Somtochukwu Okafor on July 28, 2022

It's 2022, and it's officially been 5 years since Tailwinds launch. Now some might ask what exactly is Tailwind CSS, well according to their websit...
mangor1no profile image
Mangor1no • Edited

If you feeling like the Tailwind's classes are bloated, you can have some options:

  1. Split the components.
  2. Write normal classes and use @apply tag to write tailwind's classes inside them. For example:

    .big-green-circle {
      @apply w-5 h-5 rounded-full border-none bg-green-500;
  3. Do both things above.

moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

Using semantic classes and putting everything in CSS with @apply is the only way I can see Tailwind being used. Anything else is just two steps backwards.

spotnick profile image

Then you have not understood why tailwind was made. No offence it is your right to think like that and I have thought the same. But using tailwind now daily is just the creme on the cake. It’s easy and awesome :)

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moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

No, I get why Tailwind was made, and how it's generally used. It's just that I think those uses are detrimental to the web.

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faridsa profile image

A few days ago I found this interesting post about tailwindcss.
I must say that the only way I found tailwind usable is via creating group classes via @apply
I came to tailwinds a couple of years ago searching for a lighter solution because I was tired of bootstrap and its heavy css file.
I tried bulma, foundation ui toolkit and MUI too but none of them convinced me

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hanifeoglu profile image

@faridsa so what do you think about tailwind now, do you think it's positive? should we use

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moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

This is a good article and fits my point of view quite nicely.

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faridsa profile image

My personal position is using tailwindcss to solve fast mockups or little projects as landing pages, because it is really light in final css file.
But when it comes to large and long term projects I do prefer to create my own stylesheet using css variables and necessary classes with sass. I found that more sustainable.
In any case, I think that each developer ends up using the tool that best suits their modality.

aileenr profile image
Aileen Rae • Edited

Nice. I’ve never checked out Tailwind because the cluttered HTML is just not my style but this apply feature makes it look a lot more appealing. Glad I stumbled across this comment!

somtookaforr profile image
Somtochukwu Okafor

Wow, I didn't know of this. Thank you @mangor1no

pawelmiczka profile image
Paweł Miczka

I agree - dividing code into small pieces like components helps a lot and for me tailwind is great example of framework / library that force you to use some patterns in code.

Using @apply isn't great idea. Tailwind after build removes unused classes so if you create new one it won't be removed but created as new one which means that Tailwind doesn't make sense to use - it now reminds me some things like BEM

hunzaboy profile image
Aslam Shah • Edited

I don't see why would you add an apply instead of writing pure css 💅 Its fun 🎉

reikrom profile image
Rei Krom

last time i checked using tailwind @apply it converts the classes to css and begins to bloat everything as you're not using utility classes anymore. is this still true?

brense profile image
Rense Bakker

I'm very strongly against using Tailwind exactly for the list of "highs" you wrote down... Granted I'm looking at this mostly from a React perspective... But every UI framework out there offers those same highs, but with less of the lows. My major low for Tailwind is that you have to handle all accessibility coding yourself, like adding element role and for attributes. I always prefer using a framework with pre-built components that give me options to override styles by adjusting a theme and using CSS in JS solutions.

rkallan profile image

I’m also not a fan of tailwind.
One of the highs is better understanding css. Because trying equalivent class with inspect element. I think you can also do that with changing the css value in inspect element.

somtookaforr profile image
Somtochukwu Okafor

Funny enough I use React too but yes I'd prefer a CSS framework with more configurable prebuilt components like Bootstrap. Maybe with time Tailwind would have this but for now I'm still confined to having to build from scratch up.

rkallan profile image

If you write one time a reusable component, you can reused it also on other project. For maintainability you can create own package.

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somtookaforr profile image
Somtochukwu Okafor

Thanks @rkallan , creating my own package might actually be the way to go in the long run.

cleveroscar profile image
Oscar Ortiz

Every framework has its purpose.
Tailwind has made it easier for me to produce web pages faster without having to style everything with vanilla CSS.

Bootstrap is great as well. ReactStrap is what I use more.

Again. Each to their own. That’s the best part about programming.

So many different solutions 😎

Great article by the way

pengeszikra profile image
Peter Vivo

No prebuilds components:

You can found tons of tailwind solutions too, even for complex layout tailwindui or even CSS component library like daisyui

somtookaforr profile image
Somtochukwu Okafor

Thank you @pengeszikra , will be sure to check them out.

afreidz profile image
Andy Freidenfelds

This utility 👆 was a huge help for me when dealing with the "short comings" of tailwind. Grouping the utility classes in list notation is way cleaner IMO.

As many have mentioned, separating tailwind from the markup is an anti-pattern. The value prop is to stay within the markup to style and not have to search/context-switch. it definitely takes getting used to. the key for me was IDE integration. once you setup your IDE properly, it can suggest/auto-complete all the tailwind utility classes. and not just base tailwind either. if you customize things like your color palette, those classes will be suggested as well.

if you do end up using cntl or a similar lib, there may be some additional tweaks to make to the IDE integration. but once that is working, i found tailwind to be a great dev-ex!

somtookaforr profile image
Somtochukwu Okafor

Thanks a lot @afreidz . I'll be sure to check out the utility package.

lifeiscontent profile image
Aaron Reisman

If you're using React, you can hide away the jumbled CSS in a UI Component, that way all styling is encapsulated within the component, and you don't have dangling classNames all over the codebase.

Example here:

somtookaforr profile image
Somtochukwu Okafor

Thank you @lifeiscontent , so basically CSS in JS components Styled Components? I'll check out the example.

yuridevat profile image
Julia 👩🏻‍💻 GDE

I really like your article about a new experience you had lately. It shows that you are open minded and can adopt new things when needed. If you choose to go your (private) future with Tailwind or not, just keep up the great work 💯

somtookaforr profile image
Somtochukwu Okafor

Thanks @yuridevat

arzarkesh profile image
Amirreza Zarkesh

If you use javascript frameworks, you can create javascript component to prevent repeating your styles.

somtookaforr profile image
Somtochukwu Okafor

Thanks, I will try that out next time .

locksi_desmond profile image

Tailwind in html is ugly. The only way I use it is with the @apply. You’re right about the sm, lg prefix for responsiveness. It makes life easier.

nicklane profile image
Nicholas Lane

The responsiveness does make my life a lot easy than stating a hundred media queries in separate stylesheets!

foxonthe1 profile image
Fox Scarlett

If you have to use 100 (or whatever) media queries, maybe your CSS is inefficient? Or even more likely, the design isn't good (won't break cleanly between devices so you need different breakpoints on every element)? I say this as someone who was doing this constantly in my first dev job until I realized (after 2+ years) that having a media query every 50 px is a sure sign that your CSS and the design both suck :D Having said that, sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.

nicklane profile image
Nicholas Lane

Well i was going for hyperbole in that comment...
But you aren't too far off base! I am sure I've written a lot of bad css haha.

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foxonthe1 profile image
Fox Scarlett

We all have! 😅

brense profile image
Rense Bakker

Are there other good libraries that offer pre-built components for tailwind?

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eshimischi profile image

tailwindui, flowbite, daisyui etc

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somtookaforr profile image
Somtochukwu Okafor

I tried out Flowbite React but its components were not easily configurable and were more a headache than a solution.

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eshimischi profile image

Put commonly used tailwind ui libs here only, had experience with daisy ui and Vue before

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brense profile image
Rense Bakker

I must say I do not have experience with any of those. I did take a look at Tailwind UI a little while ago and it looked good, but then I found out you have to pay for it :S

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eshimischi profile image

Well yes, but it doesn’t mean it is bad or smth. Their templates are pretty well developed

jdnichollsc profile image
J.D Nicholls

I constantly see myself repeating Tailwind styles over and over again.

That's why you need to create a component or use PostCSS with TailwindCSS to create utility classes 😁

orimdominic profile image
Orim Dominic Adah

A quite balanced review from someone new to Tailwind.
Hoping to see the v2 of the article when you're more experienced with it

somtookaforr profile image
Somtochukwu Okafor

Thanks @orimdominic , it'll be sure to come.

barbra_okafor profile image
barbra okafor

Good read and very informative. I always look forward to your articles

somtookaforr profile image
Somtochukwu Okafor

Thank you

mactechschool profile image

this is helpful, thank you for sharing

erickpetru profile image
Erick Eduardo Petrucelli

Nope, it isn't an antipattern.

Yes, it's.

From Tailwind documentation on Avoiding premature abstraction:

Whatever you do, don’t use @apply just to make things look “cleaner”. Yes, HTML templates littered with Tailwind classes are kind of ugly. Making changes in a project that has tons of custom CSS is worse.

If you start using @apply for everything, you are basically just writing CSS again and throwing away all of the workflow and maintainability advantages Tailwind gives you, for example:

  • You have to think up class names all the time — nothing will slow you down or drain your energy like coming up with a class name for something that doesn’t deserve to be named.
  • You have to jump between multiple files to make changes — which is a way bigger workflow killer than you’d think before co-locating everything together.
  • Changing styles is scarier — CSS is global, are you sure you can change the min-width value in that class without breaking something in another part of the site?
  • Your CSS bundle will be bigger — oof.

If you’re going to use @apply, use it for very small, highly reusable things like buttons and form controls — and even then only if you’re not using a framework like React where a component would be a better choice.

And if you allow me to put my personal opinion on top of that, everyone that feels @apply is unavoidable with Tailwind are just either:

  • Too closed to the semantic classes mindset (probably because of things like Bootstrap). Not blaming you, I was this way as well.
  • Not using components based development (with Vue, React, Svelte, Web Components, whatever). And by "using components" I mean really understanding how to properly split down a complex UI into small abstract and reusable pieces. Like others said, Atomic Design way can help a lot.
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yoquiale profile image

I do component-based development in vue and split stuff by functionality and reusability. I use \@apply in each component's tag.</p>

nedu_boyy profile image

Well detailed, will always check in for more

somtookaforr profile image
Somtochukwu Okafor

Thank you

lnfel profile image
Dale Ryan • Edited

No prebuilt components

While pre-built components helped with development of web layouts for a very long time. Pre-built components add more work by having to be configured EVERYTIME you make a new project. You can technically reuse some of the configurations you have used in the past but that will not work for every project you will have throughout your career as a web developer. Tailwind did a pretty great job on removing this pain when starting a new project from scratch.

HTML code looked jumbled

As if other ways of writing CSS is not jumbled. Consider BEM:

<img class="photo--highlighted photo__img">
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Seems better than Tailwind right? Actually no, and that is not the point of using Tailwind. It is always up to you how you name your classes and Tailwind does not care about that. Tailwind is created to aid in making prototyping of custom layouts faster without the pain of overriding css framework opinionated defaults.

When you are done prototyping, you should always merge tailwind classes into components using @apply. This will reduce the file size of your HTML when you deploy to production and will make maintainability of your CSS easier.

somtookaforr profile image
Somtochukwu Okafor

True, having to always configure pre-built components is definitely more work but isn't building them all from scratch even greater work? Tailwind just makes it faster building it from scratch.

Thank you for the @apply info, although I'm hearing that it is an anti-pattern to Tailwind itself.

lnfel profile image
Dale Ryan

Pre-built components has never been a goal of Tailwind. If you need a working layout and component prototype real quick without bothering with css, Tailwind is not the right solution.

The issue with @apply only occurs if you have opted too early on using it.

Somebody already provided citation about this but here is the gist:

Avoiding premature abstraction
If you start using @apply for everything, you are basically just writing CSS again and throwing away all of the workflow and maintainability advantages Tailwind gives you.

@apply is there to help you merge classes when the design is ready for production.

Relevant thread about the so called anti-pattern where Adam gives an insight on how to properly use @apply. The infamous article about Tailwind is just a bunch of early impressions about what tailwind does and not what Tailwind sets out to solve. In my honest opinion CSS modules are far more the worst offender in the whole history of CSS, instead of making a css file as the single source for CSS definitions, somebody decides to spread them in multiple files instead.

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somtookaforr profile image
Somtochukwu Okafor

Thank you @lnfel , I'll check out the GitHub discussion thread on apply . From what I can see, component based might be the way to go with when using Tailwind.

instead of making a css file as the single source for CSS definitions, somebody decides to spread them in multiple files instead.

I'm not really familiar with modular CSS but from what I've read up on it, isn't that more or less what Tailwind is doing?

yoquiale profile image

Nope, it isn't an antipattern. If a component has a ton of classes then it's a you problem, not a tailwind problem.

bclonan profile image
Bradley Morgan Clonan

Tell me how this statement is incorrect. Developers learn more about custom, federated styleguides and css using Tailwind vs using bootstrap. I get it, a strong css dev will see Tailwind generally as an unnecessary additional step when they could have just written the classes themselves, however when working in large teams on many projects it rarely matters how great one developers code is if nobody else can easily adopt it.

lnfel profile image
Dale Ryan

I wrote a bunch of CSS since 2007 and confident to write them fast and well. Tailwind just takes the writing part so I can prototype a layout or component with less time consumed if I were to write my own css for every project I have. You should have said:

Bootstrap gives you unnecessary pre-built components that you would probably overwrite anyway for every single project you have.

Now please define unnecessary.

elnobun profile image
Ellis • Edited

I understand you @somtochukwunigeria many of us have been (or still are) in your situation, where your personal preference is overridden by the force that puts food on the table.

At the end of the day, it all boils down to which team you are working with. I have noticed that the argument for tailwind or bootstrap is mostly (I repeat mostly, not all) by people who are either solo developers, freelancers or working in a very small highly flexible team that are not too strict on code base optimisation and structure.

No matter how much one loves tailwind, if the company you work for opt for bootstrap, you will use bootstrap. If the team opt for tailwind, no matter how much you love bootstrap, you will use tailwind.

I am yet to see someone leave a company because the company switched to a css framework that was not to their taste. (Note: there may be people who have made this move, but I have not seen anyone do so in my 6 years web developer journey).

I have rather seen senior developers adopt and adapted to technologies based on product/clientele demand at that point in time.

Just because a team get profitable experience with tailwind, does not rule out the benefits other teams have from bootstrap and vice versa.

And for the records, I use tailwind (most times), it’s a utility system that allows developers to focus on System logic rather than User Interface. However I prefer writing css using “Sass” and/or “bootstrap sass” - I am more efficient and faster. 😎

somtookaforr profile image
Somtochukwu Okafor

I agree, at the end of the day it all boils down to what technology the organization uses. It's your job as a good developer to be able to adapt to the ever present changes but we are still allowed to have preferences in these technologies we often jump unto. I've always used CSS/SCSS and Bootstrap for as long I can remember so it's grown on me so trying Tailwind was a different feel for me but I'm getting the hang of it. @elnobun

elnobun profile image

Because of your strong background in vanilla CSS/SCSS way of styling the markup, tailwind will not be much of a hassle other than the technicalities of "class names" used to represent a css property. This will keep you going back and forth the documentation until you get a hang of it.

I can tell: If your company is building a Product, and want to focus majorly on the product functionalities rather than styling user interface, then tailwind may be a viable option indeed, as this will save cost, meet product milestones quicker and offer deliverables within reasonable time frame while the team focus mainly on backend.

I wish you the best. Please update us on your overall experience when you are completely hands on with tailwind. Cheers! 👍🏽

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somtookaforr profile image
Somtochukwu Okafor

Lol yes I still do, the Tailwind documentation is always frequented for better understanding.

Thank you @elnobun , I will do that, for now I'll just need to keep familiarizing myself with it.

balaji043 profile image
Balaji Ramasamy

can you please some good article on the atomic design thing?

yoquiale profile image

It's not, taliwind already includes helpful utility classes. SASS and BEM are not utility frameworks.

glstephen profile image
Stephen Johnston

Tailwind is made for components. If you're repeating stuff a lot then you aren't using components enough most likely.

hakkiergin profile image
İbrahim Hakkı Ergin

I think you should read the tailwind document

somtookaforr profile image
Somtochukwu Okafor

I have @06ergin06 .

yessjo5 profile image

tailwind is one of the great projects.