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Rock Paper Scissor in C

//Follow me on insta - @code_snail
//rock, paper & scissors -
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
int generateRandomNumber(int n)
    return rand() % n;

int greater(char c1, char c2)
    if (c1 == c2)
        return -1;
    else if (c1 == 'r' && c2 == 's')
        return 1;
    else if (c2 == 'r' && c1 == 's')
        return 0;
    else if (c1 == 'p' && c2 == 'r')
        return 1;
    else if (c2 == 'p' && c1 == 'r')
        return 0;

    else if (c1 == 's' && c2 == 'p')
        return 1;
    else if (c2 == 's' && c1 == 'p')
        return 0;
int main()
    int playerScore = 0, compScore = 0, temp;
    char playerChar, compChar;
    char dict[] = {'r', 'p', 's'};
    printf("\tWelcome to the Rock Paper Scissors\n");

    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        // Take player input
        printf("Press 1 for Rock, Press 2 for Paper, Press 3 for Scissors\n\n");
        printf("\tPlayer's turn: ");
        scanf("%d", &temp);
        playerChar = dict[temp - 1];
        printf(" -----------------\n");
        printf("| You choose: %c   |\n", playerChar);
        printf(" -----------------\n\n");

        //computer generate
        printf("Press 1 for Rock, Press 2 for Paper, Press 3 for Scissors\n\n");
        printf("\tComputer's turn\n");
        temp = generateRandomNumber(3) + 1;
        compChar = dict[temp - 1];
        printf(" --------------------\n");
        printf("| Computer choose: %c |\n", compChar);
        printf(" --------------------\n\n");

        // compater character and increment the score
        if (greater(compChar, playerChar) == 1)
            printf("\t\tComputer Got It!\n\n");
        else if (greater(compChar, playerChar) == -1)
            printf("\t\tIt's a draw. Both got 1 point!\n\n");
            printf("\t\tYou Got It!\n\n");

        printf(" -------------\n");
        printf("| You: %d      |\n", playerScore);
        printf("| Computer: %d |\n", compScore);
        printf(" -------------\n\n");


    printf(" -----------------\n");
    printf("|   Final Score   |\n");
    printf(" -----------------\n");
    printf("|  You | Computer |\n");
    printf("|   %d  |    %d     |\n", playerScore, compScore);
    printf(" -----------------\n\n");

    // compare score
    if (playerScore > compScore)
        printf("\n\t -------------------\n");
        printf("\t| You Win the match |\n");
        printf("\t -------------------\n");
    else if (playerScore < compScore)
        printf("\n\t ------------------------\n");
        printf("\t| Computer Win the match |\n");
        printf("\t ------------------------\n");
        printf("\n\t -------------\n");
        printf("\t| It's a draw |\n");
        printf("\t -------------\n");

    return 0;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Explaination: here

Retry later

Top comments (1)

pentacular profile image
int generateRandomNumber(int n)
    return rand() % n;

This is equivalent to applying a hash function to the clock with a resolution of one second.

It means that rand() isn't following a pseudo-random number sequence, and that if you call it N times within the same second you'll get the same answer N times.

Use srand() once, initially in main, to select a pseudo-random number sequence to iterate using rand.

Retry later
Retry later