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First post on dev - Let's build a Django powered CMS

Hey there, This is my first post on dev and No I am not the crazy guy who wants to reinvent the wheel!
Yes, I am trying to build a new CMS using Django and yes, of course, there already is a great Django CMS. Hats off to Wagtail.
I am going to develop BiliCMS anyway. I just can't resist naming products, now I have a name and an idea all that is left to do is to design, implement, test, and maintain my product.

Why build a new CMS?

Actually, I have to build websites for my clients on a daily basis. Sometimes I use an existing CMS like Wagtail or WordPress and sometimes I start developing a product suitable for a specific client from the scratch. Now I am thinking maybe if I start to generalize the needs of most of my clients they can have their websites ready faster and I need to do less work in order to deliver. That's the problem almost all content management systems are trying to solve.
A large portion of the clients that I am talking about require some sort of e-commerce website. I need e-commerce support and I need my code to be easily customizable. More importantly, I feel more confident when I understand all of my code base. So that's why I decided to build a new CMS.

Why the blog post?

Maybe I share a common problem with a fellow developer or two.
Usually, I am very private about my work, but this time I decided to mix some kind of social interaction with the project I am devoting my time to it. So, I decided to make myself write a little bit of a report about what's going on with the project now and then. I am not sure about it but it might help me stay excited and focused down the road.
I am also excited to know what other people think about it. Any kind of comment and opinions are encouraged.

Care to contribute? Let's do it together!

The result of this experience (that's what it is to me) whatever it will be is to be published on a public repository on GitHub. And as I mentioned before I am going to blog my way through it. I hope down the road I could benefit from the ideas and opinions of other developers. If you want to join the journey and contribute to the project, Great! Let's do it together then.

What's up with the project today?

I mentioned earlier about writing little bits of reports about the work I am doing. Here is that report. All I have done until now is I managed to specify the potential user's needs and write down some value propositions and then based on that I wrote a Product specifications document that loosely describes what the end result should be. In the following days, I hope to be done with the initial design phases.
In my next post, I plan to publish the Product specification document.

What do you think? any suggestions or opinions? Should I not do it? What would you do or think about if you were to develop your own CMS? Let me know.

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